All Ozzy Man Videos

Mark Zuckerberg secretly rented an entire UFC arena to enjoy cageside fights

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As you all know, the Zuck is now a big fan of the UFC, and that’s got tongues wagging. After all, if robots can start emulating UFC fighter moves, we might all be in deep s**t. Yeah, nah, joking, but we dunno, maybe n...

The truth behind Brazil’s ‘Crocodile invasion’!

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Yeah, look, you f**kers know that we know that you know we love crocs, caimans, alligators and bloody gharials bigtime. Yeah, nah, we do. We reckon they’re mintox as f**k, and you knew we’d be talking about the viral ...

Bloke faces 34 months in jail after farting in police officer’s face

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We’re pretty sure this isn’t a new sentiment on this site, but we’ll fully admit that in the right time and the right place, a fart can be funny. Yeah, nah, no shame, but a well-placed grunt, a well-timed barking spid...

Locals left baffled as rare phenomenon fills the sky in China

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We’re not gonna lie, we’re actually pretty f**ken easy to impress when it comes to cool stuff in nature. Deadset, we see a particularly fluffy cloud and we’re thrilled to bits. A nice green tree? You’d better believe ...

Drone captures moment Florida man is f**ked by “huge” gator

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Maaate, you know that we love a bloody good crocodiliac story here at Ozzy Man Reviews! You also know that we love an underdog story, a survival story, and a defy the f**ken odds and come out the other side scathed bu...

Would you stay in this spooky clown motel?

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Even though not everyone gets it, some people find clowns absolutely terrifying. And while we’re not personally scared of ‘em, it’s easy to understand. After all, Hollywood has done plenty to fan the flames of fear wh...

Willem Dafoe once used a stunt penis because his was “too big”

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We don’t know about you, but we’ve often wondered how much on-screen Hollywood nudity is real. Don’t get us wrong, we know that a lot of times normal bodies are just…normal bodies, but sometimes you’ve gotta wonder if...

Conspiracy Theorists think the Large Hadron Collider JUST transported us into a parallel dimension

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We’ve spoken a lot in recent years about conspiracy theories on this site and the fact that there just seems to be more and more of them coming up. Obviously, you’ve got all your standard flat earth theories, your Aus...

Ozzy Sheila brings final rum and coke to old man’s deathbed!

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Forgive us for getting all dark on you here, but death and final goodbyes are a really f**ken interesting dynamic. While we often don’t think about it, those of us who have the opportunity to have a final moment with ...

Dust-up breaks out in the crowd during England’s Test cricket match against New Zealand

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Everyone knows that going to watch the cricket is all about the beers, the costumes, the beers, the fun, and then the cricket. One thing it’s definitely not about is a bloody punch-on. Yeah, nah, some sports are all a...

Redditors share the biggest ‘OH HELL NO’ moments that made them leave their partners

25.92K Views0 Comments

F**ken relationships can be a whirlwind. Yeah, nah, when they’re good they’re great, but when s**t goes wrong, or when someone reveals their true colours, they can be pretty bloody nasty. That’s why it’s great to read...

Anthony Smith reveals how drunk Bilzerian and Cerrone ‘removed’ his family from UFC seats

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One of the things we love about UFC is that it’s f**ken chockers with drama. Deadset, if you reckon the kinda soap opera storylines that go with wrestling were only for the pantomime of WWE, we’ve got news for you. MM...

This bloke bloody nailed these celebrity running impressions

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If there’s one thing the internet has given people, it’s the perfect place to showcase their impressions of famous actors. Usually, that involves voice-acting, facial expressions, and deepfakes. Sometimes, though, cle...

Google Maps has permanently blurred this house to stop people from seeing it

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It’s no secret that the world can be a f**ken dark place. Yeah, nah, deadset, sometimes it can be a real bitch and leave us confronting some pretty nasty s**t. Fortunately, we’ve got a few ways to deal with that. In t...

Sheila is getting paid thousands to name people’s babies

3.98K Views0 Comments

Naming your baby can be a tough business. Deadset, we live in an age of peak marketing and peak meming. On top of that, more and more kids are deciding their own identities, regardless of what their parents name ‘em. ...

Nic Cage’s AMA was the Internet’s peak wholesome moment!

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Now, we realise this might be a slightly controversial statement, but when it comes to movies and the iconic actors of our generation, you’ve gotta put Nic Cage in the conversation. Deadset, a hill this writer is prep...

Sheila busts boyfriend at strip club, jumps on stage, dumps him, makes $100 in tips

36.83K Views0 Comments

Every now and then the internet gets all excited because of an epic dump. Wait, that sounds wrong. We’re not changing it, though. But, yeah, nah, what we mean is that sometimes the internet loves it when a bloke or sh...

Dog abandoned for ‘being gay’ finds new home with same-sex couple!

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As you know, we f**ken love dogs here at Ozzy Man Reviews. Deadset, we reckon dogs are the best. We bloody love people too. Yeah, nah, we reckon most people are pretty f**ken tops. That’s why we’re stoked that Fezco, ...

The internet has delivered with these bloody gold Will Smith slap memes

65.95K Views0 Comments

Yeah, look, we’re not under the illusion you don't know about Will Smith’s game-changing attack on Chris Rock during the Oscars, but we’ve gotta cover it here – and don’t worry, we’re not going into all that ‘was it r...

Aussie Prime Minister’s department withdraws ‘d-ck and balls’ logo for Women’s Network

7.08K Views0 Comments

There’s no beating around the bush here, when it comes to the treatment of women in this country, Scomo and Australia’s Government of the Day have cocked it up time and time again. Yeah, nah, this lot really seem to s...