All Crikey!

Ozzy woman wakes up to mouse eating her eyeball amid ‘rodent plague’

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As you know, we’re always harping on about our life-threatening critters here in Australia on this website, but until now, there’s one deadly f**ken animal we’ve neglected to cover. And, in fairness to us, you can’t b...

Fan causes “worsed ever crash” at Tour de France with cardboard sign

375 Views0 Comments

All right, we know you big bloody bewdiful bastards are aware of the big bloody crash in the Tour De France the other day, and you also know that we bloody love seeing cyclists eat s**t in monumental stacks. What you ...

Sheila live tweets from her bedroom as racoons break into her NY apartment

6.64K Views0 Comments

While we’re obviously well-known for our animals here in Oz, there are some that, frankly, we’re thankful we don’t have to deal with. One of those critters is the racoon. Don’t get us wrong, we really like them. We lo...

Googly eyes make everything look 10x f#*%en better!

55.94K Views0 Comments

You know, we think a lot about humour here at Ozzy Man Reviews. For some people, it’s a pretty complex thing. After all, there are emotions you need to reach, there’s a reaction you’re aiming for, there are cultural s...

Massive “eye of fire” breaks out from pipeline leak in Gulf of Mexico

4.12K Views0 Comments

Life is full of strange things. Yeah, nah, s**t that shouldn’t happen does. Sometimes it’s because of a big weird rip in the space-time continuum. At other times, though, it’s because something humanity has done has g...

Science YouTuber wins $10,000 bet with Physicist!

465 Views0 Comments

Here at Ozzy Man Reviews, we’re bloody big fans of little guys showing up the so-called experts. That’s why we love this little story. Apparently, YouTuber Derek Muller had just spent some time proving the laws of phy...

Shark leaps out of the f@#*en water and bites parasailor’s foot

19.13K Views0 Comments

We seem to be saying this an awful lot lately, but f**ken sharks are terrifying creatures. Yeah, nah, don’t get us wrong, they’re bewdiful and they’re entitled to their space, but they don’t bloody quit do they? In th...

Sheila competes at Olympic trials while 18 weeks pregnant

439 Views0 Comments

As blokes, we’re pretty much wildly unqualified to talk about pregnant sheilas. Also as blokes, we’re gonna risk mansplaining and do it anyway. Don’t worry, though, we’re cool with the risk. So, here goes. There are t...

This fan-made cartoon and Apex Legends battle royale is f@*#en mint

5.47K Views0 Comments

We’ve mentioned a few times lately that we’re pretty lucky to live in a world so full of pop culture and fan-made content. We mean it. The world’s so bloody full of creative people that it’s f**ken grouse the internet...

This artist creates tattoos that look like stickers you can peel off

3.26K Views0 Comments

This isn’t the first time we’ve found ourselves talking about tattoos recently, so we’ll probably keep it simple and reiterate some common thoughts we have when they come up. Some people think tattoos should have spec...

Scientists find oldest human shark attack remains, over 3,000 years old!

19.86K Views0 Comments

Here at Ozzy Man Reviews, there are a few things we choose not to f**k with. Right at the top of that list are f**ken sharks. We know all the stats and all the figures about how they are at greater risk of us than we ...

Cycling fan has caused massive f**ken pile-up at the Tour-de-France

15.49K Views0 Comments

Yeah, look, we know that cycling’s good for the environment and all that, but we f**ken love it when road cyclists take a trip to Destination F**ked. When that s**t happens on camera during the world’s biggest cycling...

This Kebab-Shop’s responses to bad Google Reviews are next level

11.86K Views0 Comments

In recent years, we’ve seen the ‘clap-back’ response to Google Reviews become a genre of its own. In some cases, it’s been done really well, and the owners have dealt with obviously troublesome customers. In other cas...

Elon Musk’s new and only house is worth $50,000

28.66K Views0 Comments

Before we begin, we’d just like to point out the obvious. When you’re talking about shacks, there’s a pretty fair question about whether or not a shack that costs $50,000 really counts as a ‘shack’ at all. After all, ...

Conan O’Brien and Seth Rogen spark up on television

4.74K Views0 Comments

In the world of celebrities who obviously smoke pot, Seth Rogen is one of those guys who is clearly and obviously a pothead. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Yeah, nah, the guy’s well-known for his weed busi...

Bloke gets pants pulled down while trying to flee court after bail revoked

409 Views0 Comments

There’s nothing worse than having a complete shocker. Yeah, nah, we’ve all been there, and they happen to the best of us, but some days you’ve just gotta look back on an event in our lives and say that it wasn’t our f...

Italian football presenter denies having an on air Basic Instinct moment

1.77K Views0 Comments

When it comes to the gash-flash there probably isn’t one more infamous than Sharon Stone’s from Basic Instinct. Yeah, nah, whether you’ve seen the movie or not, you probably know that it’s the one in which Stone gave ...

US Navy tests new warships with bomb-blast equivalent to 3.9 magnitude earthquake

10.55K Views0 Comments

If there’s one thing we know about Americans, it’s that they f**ken love to blow s**t up. Naturally, their Navy are huge fans of explosions, and when it comes to blowing s**t to f**ken smithereens, they’re right up th...

This bloke chronicled 35 years of his life and made a movie in reverse!

3.81K Views0 Comments

As you’re no doubt aware, we live in a world that actually has an International Selfie Day. Yeah, nah, we live in an awesome society that actually celebrates awesome things like taking pictures of yourself, and we’re ...

These bloody ripper food combos will make your stomach turn

7.55K Views0 Comments

Rightio, before we start this one, we’re just going to point out that we’re not entirely without self-awareness here at Ozzy Man Reviews. We might be a few beers deep, and we might love a bit of vegemite on toast, but...