Credit: Newsflash
Brutal Cyclist and spectator collision at finish line in Canary Islands race
When it comes to epic stacks, it’s pretty hard to go past cycling. Yeah, nah, obviously, we’re not talking about the potential injuries, but there’s something about the limbs going everywhere, the bike crumpling, and the plummet to earth that makes a good cycling stack go hard. That’s why we’ll always check ‘em out. This particular one is a f**ken doozy. Check it out. A spectator crosses at just the wrong time and BAM. It’s collision central!
All right, so for a bit of context, this one happened at the Condaca Salmor event on El Hierro, in the Canary Islands in Spain. Now, before you go laughing too hard, we have to be clear and say the cyclist took a pretty serious head injury from this, so you know, use your judgment.

Credit: Newsflash
As for the sheila who tries to cross, we like to give the benefit of the doubt, but she’s clearly had an epic brainfart and clearly didn’t play enough Frogger in her youth. Yeah, nah, she should really stick to level crossings and wait for the little green man, because this was a bit of a f**k-up.

Credit: Newsflash
In the video, you’ll see the cyclist heading towards the finish line. One male spectator makes a dash across the track and makes it. The sheila then tries to follow his lead. There’s a brief moment where she’s a deer in the headlights as the cyclist comes hurtling towards her…but there’s no doubt about it, she knows she’s up s**t creek without a paddle.

Credit: Newsflash
The cyclist can see it all unfolding and you don’t need to be a mind-reader to see that he knows he’s going to Destination F**ked. Yeah, nah, his face has got ‘BUGGER!’ written all over it.

Credit: Newsflash
And then, f**ken impact. Yeah, nah, smash, crash, bang, all that s**t. Check it out down below.
Final thought: All right, let’s check in with you lot to see what you think about this. Like, it’s not the first time we’ve seen cyclists hit pedestrians, and we know that people are hard to control, but do we need to do more to solve this issue? If you reckon we do, share your thoughts in the comments section.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest cycling videos…They’re Evolving! Cyclists #2
Video Link: Canarian Weekly