"Yep, you too. Solidarity, brother!" Credit: Cascade News
Legendary Dad hailed a hero for blocking speed camera with umbrella
Bloody hell, dads are the best! They’ve got the dad jokes, they’ve got the life advice, they’ve got the beards and they’ve got the dad bods. On top of that, they love to pull little stunts like the one in today’s video! Check it out to see a legendary dad blocking a speed camera from doing its job!
It’s only a short video this one, but it’s a bloody doozy. We all know how annoying speed cameras can be. One minute you’re hooning along, trying to get somewhere in a hurry when F**KEN CLICK, you’re on Candid Camera and the bill’s in the mail.

Cheeky. Cascade News
Fortunately, as said before, we have dads. Some dads are born to be providers. Some dads are born to be pun-masters, and some dads are born to be bloody larrikins. With that in mind, meet Stephen Vernon.
Rocking a lovely pink umbrella – again, another classic dad move – he makes his way over to the speed camera van and tries to stand as nonchalantly as possible. He’s not doing anything suspicious. There’s nothing to see here. He’s just a man enjoying a casual standing session with an umbrella right in the speed camera’s field of view. Bloody legend.

“Yeah-nah, didn’t know. Just need some shade.” Credit: Cascade News
You can see, at one point, some dude’s driven past and Vernon raises his fist in response. Talk about an act of solidarity.
Eventually, whoever is inside the van tells him they’ve called the cops to come and arrest him for his blatant disrespect to the authorities.
What gets me though is that I thought the cops were sitting in the van eating donuts and doing crosswords. If that’s not the case, my whole life has been a bloody lie.

“Yep, you too. Solidarity, brother!” Credit: Cascade News
Final thought: I’m sure there’ll be some blokes out there who have a whinge at Stephen for his “obstruction of justice”, but at the end of the day, we really need to look at something like this as a little bit of humour. He’s not hurting anyone. He’s clearly just being silly for his daughter’s benefit, and I highly doubt he plans on hanging out for long. Stephen, you’re a bloody legend. This beer’s for you!
H/T: Daily Mail.