All Sport

Tokyo 2020: Medals to be made from recycled waste

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We’ve spoken about our love for Japan loads of times here on Ozzyman Reviews, and we’re gonna say it again, we fair dinkum love those pricks. They just seem to really ‘get’ what it means to be a good bloke. Have a f**...

PornHub traffic results during the Super Bowl

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We all know that the archaeologists of the future will have to sift through s**tloads upon s**tloads of data and arbitrary information to really understand what the people of our generation are really like. Quite simp...

Maroon 5 and Travis Scott’s half time Super Bowl show described as worst in history

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The Super Bowl halftime show is almost as important as the football itself. It’s usually a great cultural touchstone, an important event, and a source of water-bubbler conversation in the workplace. Think about it. Th...

Ozzy soccer fans dance with cops after failed flare search

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Bizarrely enough, crazed soccer fans aren’t strictly limited to the traditional locales of Europe and South America. Yeah, nah, while it may seem like a big bloody stretch, even Ozzyland has its share of excitable foo...

Mugger cops a flogging after trying to rob UFC star Polyana Viana with fake gun

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Here at Ozzy Man Reviews, we’re pretty anti dodgy f**ken behaviour like theft. Stealing from anyone, let alone other people, is a dick move and it’s one of the few we’ll say always deserves a beating. That’s why we’re...

WWE in uproar over star forcing used tampon down rival’s throat

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Bloody wrestling has got to be one of the most entertaining pseudo-sports out there. You’ve got the ongoing conflicts between rival factions, grudge matches between former tag-team partners, love triangles, people get...

Soccer player has Twitter meltdown after fan backlash for buying gold plated steak

24.40K Views0 Comments

Have you ever just been going about your business and enjoying your life when you’ve come in for some stick? It’s always a mood-killer and you can’t blame people for getting upset when it happens. Deadset, it can real...

Bloke who accidentally discovers Hockey on TV for the first time goes viral with his comments

16.43K Views0 Comments

There’s an old adage that we often find ourselves thinking about here at Ozzy Man Reviews. A bastardised version of it basically suggests that if you’re completely f**ken clueless about the things out there in the wor...

Incredible moment soccer fan describes goal to blind cousin

16.80K Views0 Comments

Rightio, ya big bloody legends, before we get into this story balls and all, let’s get one thing clear. Here in Ozzyland, we’re pretty bloody aware that our national ‘football’ association insists that the sport is no...

“Insane”: return shot goes viral, divides the table tennis community

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Despite its seemingly simple set-up, anyone who’s played even the most casual game of table tennis knows it’s a pretty f**ken intense game. Deadset, whether you’re playing one of the beer-pong varieties, competing wit...

Melbourne Cup attendees get sh*tfaced and head straight to Destination F#*ked

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Ah, the Melbourne Cup, for many it’s just another day of brutality and animal cruelty on Australia’s horse-racing calendar, for others it’s a day to get completely f**ken shellacked while horses race while carrying ti...

Conor McGregor and Mike Tyson get blazed together and bury the hatchet

8.78K Views0 Comments

You know, you really don’t have to go far to find a stoner who’ll tell you that world conflict could easily be ended if every mother**ker just toked on a spliff and talked it out. Of course, the chances of that happen...

Angry Boxer Loses Control And Attacks His Own Trainer After Losing

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Anyone who’s ever enjoyed a rollicking game of Monopoly with the family – and had to suffer a heavy defeat at the hands of the banker – has probably been told no one likes a sore loser. More often than not, that’s fai...

Reporter gets hit in head on live TV, takes it like a f*cken champ

30.39K Views0 Comments

Live sport is pretty much the f**ken meat and drink of most red-blooded Ozzies, but we’d be bloody dreaming if we thought we were alone in that. The yanks love it, the poms love it, everyone bloody loves it – and that...

The best f*cken interview in UFC history happened on the weekend

27.95K Views0 Comments

Anyone who’s ever played sports knows what it’s like to say strange things during and after the contest. We’re not even talking pro-level sh*t either. You might ‘compete’ in the dodgiest Thursday night indoor cricket ...

Ozzy Man Reviews: Conor McGregor

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We were going to start this article by saying Conor McGregor has made quite a name for himself in recent years, but then we were struck dumb with the thought that he really hasn’t. Just think about that saying, made a...

The Bellyflop Championship is the best f*cken sport on the planet

7.83K Views0 Comments

Ooh yeah, ladies and gents, sheilas and wankers, how the f**k are ya? Hopefully you’re feeling like something of an armchair sportsman (or lady) (or whatever), because footage of the highly anticipated belly-flop cham...

EPL star’s new goal celebration has confused the Internet

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If you’ve been following the English Premier League over the last couple of years, you may well have heard of Dele Alli. The young star shot to fame when he transferred from lower league team MK Dons to Tottenham Hots...

Cristiano Ronaldo leaves incredibly generous tip at Greek hotel he stayed at

25.92K Views0 Comments

Cristiano Ronaldo is one of those blokes who is really f**ken good at kicking a ball into a big net. Whether there’s anyone better at putting the onion in the onion bag than old Ronnie is debatable, but one thing is c...

Croatian Firefighter’s response to emergency alarm during world cup penalty shootout goes viral

70.77K Views0 Comments

This world cup has definitely been one to remember for many sets of fans. Sure, some blokes and blokettes might rather forget a few things, but on the whole, it’s been bloody grouse. One group of fans, perhaps more th...