All Crikey!

The moment a terrified TV presenter was held at gunpoint and asked to debate with Taliban soldiers

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If you know your s**t and have a passing interest in the media, you might well be aware of a famous quote from Hiram Johnson. If not, he once said that ‘The first casualty, when war comes, is the truth.’ We reckon tha...

Video shows smoke pouring from Alligator after eating a drone

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It’s pretty well-documented that crocodiles and alligators are not to be f**ked with, but did you know that you should also be really f**ken careful when trying to take clever drone-photos of ‘em? Yeah, nah, us neithe...

This guy quit his $100k per year gig to beg for a job with Logan Paul

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It’s probably fair to say you’ve heard of Logan Paul. After all, you’ve got the internet, and it’s not like he’s an unknown these days. Yeah, nah, he’s a pretty famous bloke, and with that comes a bit of hero worship....

Bloke who broke record for staying in quietest room in the world tells of his trippy af experience…

12.52K Views0 Comments

Peace and quiet. Some of us bloody love it. Others prefer a bit of atmospheric noise. But, and we mean this sincerely, have you ever considered what absolute quiet might sound like? If you have, and you reckon you wan...

Bloke’s spreadsheet of friend’s income has people going off about “Broke Bobby” who makes $125k a year

7.34K Views0 Comments

Depending on the way you see the world and how much you value common sense s**t, you may or may not keep track of how much money your friends make. If we’re honest, we’re really hoping you don’t. Yeah, nah, that sort ...

NSW farmer uses sheep art to provide stunning heartfelt tribute to late aunt

3.02K Views0 Comments

Art’s a bloody bewdiful thing. Yeah, nah, no matter the medium, it can be used to communicate all sorts of messages and convey all sorts of emotions. And, while we’re not trying to sound all soppy, it’s pretty f**ken ...

Bloke carks it after using epoxy resin instead of a condom

124.76K Views0 Comments

Whether you call ‘em frangers, rubber Johnnys, or sheaths, you should bloody well know that if you don’t have one on, you ought to be real careful where you shove your gigglestick. Yeah, nah, in some circles, the old ...

People are sharing cases of “The Butterfly Effect” happening in real life

17.29K Views0 Comments

We’re gonna hazard a guess here and say that at some point, you’ve probably heard of the butterfly effect. Deadset, even if you’re just thinking of the rad Aussie band from back in the day, you’ve got some acquaintanc...

Prince Andrew offered $100 Million to take lie detector test live on TV

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At this point, it’s not news to anyone that’s Prince Andrew is just one of the rich and powerful men to have been accused of participating in convicted paedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s underage sex ring. So far, though, a...

Bloody awkward exchange between teen sheila and older salty bloke hitting on her

1.74K Views0 Comments

You know, there’s a lot to be said for body language. Deadset, it’s almost as if we have this evolutionary ability to communicate information to people without saying anything. S**t, turning it around, it’s almost lik...

The Nevermind baby is suing Nirvana over allegely being forced into “commercial sexual acts”

266 Views0 Comments

When you’ve been around for a while, you can be forgiven for starting to think you’ve seen everything. Yeah, nah, it’s true. You start to take the world for granted. You forget about its propensity to spew up surprisi...

Amazon Supervisor yells at workers for leaving 1 minute early, Internet blows up

25.76K Views0 Comments

One of the things we bloody love about the modern age is that we seem to be, slowly but surely, trying to move to a more gentle world. Don’t get us wrong, we’re not sure it’s all that effective at the moment, but it’s...

Massive bloody python says hello in Sydney supermarket

2.24K Views0 Comments

When you talk about stereotypical Australia, you might assume that there are bloody snakes everywhere. Fortunately, most Aussies are sensible blokes and level-headed sheilas, and they’ll point you in the right directi...

Boston Dynamics robots now do Parkour!

7.71K Views0 Comments

By now, the advances Boston Dynamics are making with their robots aren’t exactly news to most people. We all know that they’ve got the bloody things doing some pretty f**ken cool stuff, and every time they let us know...

Google Earthers find mysterious “ice ship” in the Antarctic

6.98K Views0 Comments

We know we often sound like a broken f**ken record when we talk about the cool s**t people find on Google Earth, but we can’t help it. Yeah, nah, it’s not our fault. Deadset, people keep finding cool s**t, and we have...

Kid mistakes beer for milo – and now the company’s been banned from advertising it!

4.51K Views0 Comments

As you can probably imagine, we bloody love a nice drop of craft beer here at Ozzy Man Reviews, and judging from the refrigerators at the local bottlo, we’re not the only ones. Matter of fact, people are loving the s*...

Bizarre series of events sees a cat KO a pensioner then fight sock wearing dog

33.19K Views0 Comments

If you’ve kept abreast of what we do here at Ozzy Man Reviews, the news that cats are c**ts won’t be new to you. Yeah, nah, that s**t’s old knowledge. Don’t get us wrong, it doesn’t mean they’re not loveable buggers; ...

Ryan Reynolds’ new movie is his highest-ever rated on Rotten Tomatoes

11.16K Views0 Comments

It’s pretty bloody hard not to love Ryan Reynolds. Yeah, nah, he’s a bona fide legend who’s made a name for himself as a top bloke on and off the screen. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that his movies are usually pretty b...

This Russian bloke built a f@*#en flame-throwing car!

4.48K Views0 Comments

F**k yes, internet, f**k yes! For some reason, we haven’t shared a crazy Russian video with you for a little while, but thankfully, we’re back at it – and thanks to the sheer levels of bats**t insanity they’re willing...

Foo Fighters are back to troll the Westboro Baptist Church Again

11.66K Views0 Comments

If you’re familiar with the Foo Fighters or the Westboro Baptist Church, you’ll know that the band and the infamous church are frequently coming to metaphorical blows. If you haven’t come across their clashes before, ...