The difference sobriety makes: ten pics of people post-alcoholism
As much as we love a beer here at Ozzy Man Reviews, it’d be remiss of us not to point out that we’re all too aware of the damage alcohol can cause when it’s not used in moderation. Deadset, if you are hitting the sauce a little too much and it’s become a problem for you; it might be time to consider the ramifications of drinking that go beyond behaviour and decision-making. One look at the ten before and after photos in this collection will show you exactly what we mean…

Credit: smithersboss
It’s been well documented that alcohol can really ravage a body and take its toll on your physical appearance, but it still doesn’t seem to be one of the things we talk about when we discuss the effects of alcohol on the human body.

Credit: recoveryrockstars

Credit: slipperyfister

Credit: gayforjesus666
As you can see from the photos collected here, those in the throes of alcoholism look pretty f**ken worse for wear. And we don’t say that to be disrespectful; it’s something the people in the photos have noticed themselves – and that’s precisely why they’ve shared it.

Credit: mrquint

Credit: klamsykrawl
Have a look past the haircuts and the fact that you might naturally be a bit sloppy if you’ve chugged a few drinks, and you’ll see a whole wealth of differences in these comparative pics. The big one is obviously the weight loss, but just as important is the change of expression. And yes, we know some of these legends have started working out, so don’t be a smartass!

Credit: disregardthisordont

Credit: dub-squared
These guys and girls have obviously worked hard to better themselves and every single one of them can be proud as f**k of their achievements.

Credit: bettyfatstacks

Credit: Rainbowwonder23
Final thought: As we said before, we love a bloody good beer and we reckon that in moderation, they’re a pretty f**ken spectacular part of the day, but if you are having trouble with drinking or other addictions, seek help. There are tonnes of places you can reach out to. Have a Google to find something local to you.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Greatest Police Fail Ever
H/T: Bored Panda.