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Tweet gets roasted for claiming family earning $350k per year would be struggling

15.65K Views0 Comments

Finances are a pretty funny thing. Obviously, in plenty of places, it’s a bit of a social no-no to talk about exactly how much money is flowing through your household, but understanding those figures can also lead to ...

Mexican Grandma started YouTube channel to teach her homemade recipes, has over 300,000 subscribers in 2 months

13.23K Views0 Comments

If you’ve ever been out on the piss and found yourself fanging for a bloody good feed, there’s a pretty strong chance you’ve settled on Mexican food. In reality, that’s a smart move. We all know that Mexican food is f...

“Single Mum” tries to scam person she bought couch from with fag bugs, backfires beautifully

876 Views0 Comments

Bloody scammers are a strange breed of human. Deadset, while these cheeky buggers have the poor intention of ripping people off – often for quite large sums of cash – they frequently find themselves as comic foils in ...

These people reckon pop culture has ruined their names

20.97K Views0 Comments

Bloody names are funny things aren’t they? Depending on where and when you were born, your name’s probably gonna follow some sort of cultural or social trend or tradition. That’s pretty normal and it goes a long way t...

There’s a Facebook group filled with blokes who look sort of like Adam Sandler

15.89K Views0 Comments

Adam Sandler. Let’s be honest, he’s a pretty divisive character. Deadset, there are loads of people who are pretty much convinced he’s just awful, but then there are those who know that although his new movies might n...

Greta Thunberg’s famous speech has been transformed into a Swedish death metal song

35.79K Views0 Comments

Rightio, ya big bloody bewdiful boofheads, today, we’re starting our day off right: with a healthy dose of that Swedish death metal we all know and love. Forget following Entombed down the left-hand path to Opeth’s Da...

Sheila gate crashes son’s maths class to stop him being disrespectful to teachers

784 Views0 Comments

Everyone knows that teenagers can be a little bit difficult. In particular, those teens around the age of thirteen to fourteen can be deadset little s**tbags. Don’t get us wrong, they can be bloody awesome and we shou...

Old sheila defies police and actually enters Area 51 restricted zone

18.88K Views0 Comments

Seeing as you’re on the internet, we know that you heard all about the proposed plan to storm Area 51 and ‘see them aliens.’ Deadset, for a while there, this was really shaping up to be THE zeitgeist movement of the n...

Woman’s in-flight cross-stitch managed to catch this passengers eye

903 Views0 Comments

Flying is a pain in the ass. That’s why anyone who considers themself prepared for flight has thought of ways to alleviate the boredom that undercuts the discomfort of flying. Some people read books. Others watch movi...

“Break-up material”: bloke’s savage move against sheila

28.45K Views0 Comments

We all know that relationships are built on trust, love and affection. And, s**t, let’s be honest, a mutual love of eating. Pretty much everyone puts on a little weight when they get comfy with someone. A big part of ...

Some of the greatest Photoshop battles of all time!

25.69K Views0 Comments

We all know there’s a metric s**tload of awesome things the internet has given us, and naturally, we all have our favourites. However, there’s one thing that we reckon pretty much everyone can agree on: a friggen good...

Grandma slows down speeding drivers with her hairdryer ‘speed gun’

707 Views0 Comments

Let’s be honest, we’ve probably all driven a bit too fast in an area where we really shouldn’t. And while we’d say there’s nothing wrong with that, there patently is – and we don’t mean because of the possible fines. ...

Bloke creates fake restaurant and sells microwave meals on Deliveroo

3.37K Views0 Comments

A little while ago, we shared the story about the fake restaurant that became TripAdvisor’s number one-rated establishment. Well, this story’s in a kinda similar vein. The key difference however is that it’s not TripA...

Kiwi bloke about to get the sack brings emotional support clown to meeting

12.58K Views0 Comments

If there’s one thing people who’ve been on the internet are familiar with, it’s the idea of quitting your job in a ‘humorous’ or outlandish way. We’ve never seen it happen in real life, but we assume it’s a lot more u...

Engineer manufactures ‘Smart Cane’ that will change how blind people navigate

2.81K Views0 Comments

If you’ve ever walked into the bloody wall while trying to turn the light on in the dark, you’ll be aware that the blind – and the visually impaired – do it tough. Bloody tough. But while there are already a few worka...

Apple reveals the iPhone 11 and the Internet has responded with some cracker memes

18.38K Views0 Comments

Let’s be honest, we could give you a big spiel about iPhones here, but what’s the point? You know what they are. You might love ‘em, and if you do, there’s nothing we’ll say that can change that. You’ll just continue ...

Parents share photos of their lives before and after kids

46.11K Views0 Comments

The debate about whether or not life is better or worse after kids has been going on for bloody millennia. Matter of fact, it’s probably gonna go on for a few millennia more before it’s done too, but if there’s one th...

Trolls tell Journalist she’s ‘too ugly’ to post pics of her face, she responds brilliantly

2.28K Views0 Comments

As you’re probably aware, we live in a strange set of political times that really make everyday a vicious war of words between one side and the other. Unfortunately, when those political discussions involve the incumb...

Someone has photoshopped the Aussie currency with some bloody legends

963 Views0 Comments

If you’re at all familiar with cash here in Ozzyland, you’ll know that it’s pretty bloody good stuff. Because it’s made of plastic, you can accidentally leave it in your pocket and not have it disintegrate. It’s also ...

These examples show just how f*@*en dodgy the English language is

11.19K Views0 Comments

It’s a bit of a general truth that English is the ‘hardest language to learn’. Now, we’re not a hundred per cent sure whether it is actually the fair dinkum trickiest of the lot, but we’ve heard it from enough folks w...