Where are they now: the stars of your favourite memes
Memes are pretty f**ken grouse. Of course, they’ve also evolved an awful lot over the last few years. In that time, some of the stars behind our earliest memes have grown up and evolved themselves. So, er, yeah, while there’ll always be that one image that’s frozen in time and used to deliver a million jokes – or finish up your boss’s presentation at the staff meeting – we were stoked to find out what some of these people are up these days.

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Well, here’s one you’ve seen at work. Probably underneath next to some sort of caption that says, ‘Evacuation Procedure? Nailed it!’ Yeah, it really is the kind of sentiment that makes you hope that you don’t make it out when the fire comes. Anyway, this champion little kid is still wearing the same shirt. Go figure.

Credit: Fair Use
Ah, the Disaster Girl. She really looks like she could be watching the Joker walking away in that famous hospital scene. (On that note, we’d have included old Heath for his own Joker meme, but we all know what happened to him…) Anyway, yeah, Disaster Girl still likes fire by the look of things.

Credit: Fair Use
Doge. He looks like a good boy. Give him a pat.

Credit: Fair Use
It’s a cat. It’s probably still a c**t.

Credit: Fair Use
Ha! This one’s a classic. The ‘holding in a fart’ guy looks like he’s still holding in a fart. He also looks kinda like someone gave him a dirty sanchez! Anyway, Michael McGee, the star of this one told Reddit, “McGee responded: “My take on being ‘internet famous’ is cool and all. But I regret not copyrighting the picture right away because I could have made a lot of money there!”

Credit: Fair Use
This one’s actually a bit of an epic. Laina Morris, the overly attached girlfriend, had to deal with strangers essentially stalking the f**k out of her. The poor sheila would have people finding her Facebook profile, going through her photos, turning up at her work and all sorts of bullsh*t. Goes to show how dangerous the bloody internet can be for some people!

Credit: Fair Use
Look at this ridiculously photogenic bloke. Judging from his post-fame comments, he’s a ridiculously nice guy too. Zeddie Smith said, “I really don’t know, but I kinda feel honored to be part of a joke that’s in good spirit because sometimes the Internet can be a little vicious or jokes can get bent the wrong way. But these are all kinda, for the most part, positive. It’s funny that everybody is kinda taking like to it. It’s, I guess, the most flattering way to get spread across the Internet.”

Credit: Fair Use
Another classic right here. Bad Luck Brian. You’d think this guy’s copped a lot of sh*t considering the nature of some of the memes, but he seems like a normal enough bloke. Maybe it’s a good thing his real name is Kyle and not Brian.

Credit: Fair Use
In a strange twist, it’s not exactly clear which of these photos presents Scumbag Steve (Blake Boston) in a dodgier light. He told Know Your Meme, “I have no regrets in my life …no matter what I do. I can completely f*ck up on something and I still don’t regret it. Because at the end of the day, that makes me who I am, so I wouldn’t go back and erase anything, if I were to go back in time.”

Credit: Fair Use
The Ermahgerd girl has every right to be stoked in that first picture. New Goosebumps is always cause for celebration. Nevertheless, Maggie, the girl in the photo says she was playing dress-ups and was trying to have a booklover’s smile.

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The first world problems girl is an award-winning Italian actress named Silvia Bottini

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Finally, the hipster barista. We’re just going to leave you with his comments about life as a meme-star. “I do find it discouraging and disappointing that there was so much exposure brought to an attempt at making a joke of a culinary industry and the professional barista. To me, it’s very telling on how we laud farm-to-table food, craft beer, cocktail mixology, but it’s ok to have no respect for the specialty coffee world and the people who are committed to it. On the other hand, the whole thing only makes me want to work harder at my job, make better coffee, serve my customers better, and bring more positive exposure to both the company I work for, the barista profession, and specialty coffee as a whole. If anyone were to see my and my coworkers’ work in the café, they’d see that it doesn’t quite match up to most of the jokes made against the “Hipster Barista”.”
So, er, yeah, he’s still a super-cool dude.
Final thought: In a way, it’s bloody crazy to see just how much some of these people have grown. Thankfully, none of them seem to be too affected by their memes – even if it seemed to get pretty f**ked up there for a time. Anyway, at least they’ll have the perfect images to play at their funerals.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: New York City 1911