Credit: Pleated Jeans
These sheilas handled requests for nudes like f**ken legends
We talk a fair bit of s**t on this site, but when we talk about sheilas having to put up with way too much crap from blokes on the internet, we really mean it. Yeah, nah, we understand some sheilas might be keen on you asking for nudes, but that time’s probably not within three seconds of starting a conversation. By a similar token, if you get knocked back, just take it on the chin and don’t f**ken pester. If you do that, you probably deserve some responses like these ones.

Credit: Twitter

Credit: Fair Use
We fair dinkum reckon that any sheila who’s hit up for nudes out of the blue has the right to give that dude all sorts of s**t. Especially when it’s of the amusing kind. There’s a few responses in here that show how some chicks have handled it.

Credit: Fair Use

Credit: Fair Use

Credit: Fair Use

Credit: Fair Use

Credit: Fair Use

Credit: Twitter
And, if there’s one thing that’s becoming pretty clear, it’s that the guys who’ve copped it in these exchanges aren’t really doing the gene pool any favours if they breed. Deadset, we’re not sure how much blood’s getting to their head – or whether they’re thinking with it in the first place – because some of these blokes go on without even realising they’re being trolled.

Credit: Pleated Jeans

Credit: Pleated Jeans

Credit: Pleated Jeans
Fair dinkum, these dudes have got sheilas absolutely taking the piss and they’re so naïve to it, they just keep asking. Have a squiz at the ‘error message’ one and the ones that take advantage of homophones and word games. You’ve gotta love it!

Credit: Pleated Jeans

Credit: Fair Use

Credit: Fair Use

Credit: Fair Use
Of course, with the new gender-flipping Snapchat filter in play, asking for nudes has now come with a new level of hilarity. That sheila you might be hitting up might be more of a Shaun than a sheila. And, with that in mind, how bloody terrifying is that image of old love hairy pecs!

Credit: Fair Use

Credit: Pleated Jeans
Final thought: Today, we wanna know how some of the sheilas and Shazzas out there in the land of Facebook deal with unwelcome requests for nudes. If you’ve got any great stories, let us know!
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Finger Fight