Fortnite players respond to Black Hole Event by resorting to meme-making

Fortnite players respond to Black Hole Event by resorting to meme-making

While plenty of you probably hang s**t on Fortnite for being the game that all the twelvies play, there’s no denying its universal appeal. So when a big bloody asteroid wiped out the Fortnite map, and sucked everything into a black hole, you can only imagine the furore. Deadset, people across the world were left glued to the screen as they watched a massively popular live stream of the black hole. Of course, plenty of them decided they’d better keep themselves entertained while they left one eye on the ‘strange event.’

Before we begin, let’s chuck in the usual caveat. If we’ve got our Fortnite facts wrong, just go and make sure your mum’s okay with you reading this website. If she is, then feel free to comment on the Facebook page.

Credit: Twitter

Credit: Twitter

Credit: Twitter

Right, now that’s out of the way, it’s important to note that plenty of those who were left with nothing better to do didn’t decide to go and get some exercise. Yeah, nah, they decided to get their creative juices flowing by making some memes to mark the event.

Credit: Twitter

Credit: Twitter

Credit: Twitter

Obviously, plenty of the old classics were on display as the avid gamers punched out the kind of artwork future historians will look back on to study what is – with no doubt at all – a huge cultural touch point for people of all creeds and cultures.

Credit: Twitter

Credit: Twitter

Credit: Twitter

Apparently, Fortnite’s back up online now and the black hole was the awesome bridge between season 10 and 11, but while the memes might be coming to a stop, it doesn’t mean we can’t look at them now and just try to understand exactly what was going on inside the head of those who stayed glued to the screen while the black hole – and its codes – oscillated back and forth.

Credit: Twitter

Credit: Twitter

Credit: Twitter

Credit: Twitter

Final thought: Look, whether you love the game or your little brother does, it’s pretty fair to say that this is exactly the kind of thing the internet was made for. Deadset, people from all over the world are hooked on this and to see them react with such universal abandon to in-game events really shows that no matter how bad the world gets, we’ll always have video games to keep us sane. Don’t ya reckon?

Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Magpies

Video Link: Perfect Score