Fed up cyclist attaches air-horn to bike to get pedestrians to move out of the way
Everyone knows there are loads of benefits to riding a bike as a mode of transport. Obviously, you save money on fuel, it’s great for your health, the environment appreciates it, and you help eliminate at least a little bit of traffic congestion. However, there are a few downsides. And, yeah, nah, we’re not talking about the spandex because that’s clearly some sort of weird fetish. No, we’re talking about the problems of dealing with cars and pedestrians.

If this is a problem you face on your daily commute… Credit: ViralHog
In many places around the world, some cyclists feel like they have to ride on the road. In those places cars, trucks, buses and motorbikes can be something of a hazard, particularly if you don’t ride in the bike lane. But what we’re talking about today is the challenge posed by pedestrians in a built-up city that has provided a fairly extensive series of bike lanes.

Try this! Credit: ViralHog
In these places, you’ll often find the humble bell and its polite ting-a-ling do f**k-all to actually alert pedestrians to your presence. To solve that problem, one fella from London attached an air-horn to his bike and filmed the results. And, for the most part, it’s safe to say it’s effective.

You’ll move these guys with just one simple blast! Credit: ViralHog
When he posted the video, he said, “I am fed up with people walking in the Cycle lane in London. It’s as if they don’t even care that is there. I decided to make my presence more known by investing in an air horn. These are my results.”

And this guy! Credit: ViralHog
Look, in the interests of fairness to all, he’s not particularly discerning with the way he employs it, and his attitude seems fairly symptomatic of the me-centric malaise of entitlement that affects so many of us today. Could he be more sensible at crossings and places where he’s supposed to share the road? Abso-f**ken-lutely.

Of course, this guy might push you off your bicycle. Credit: ViralHog
Responses to his video were split. Some blokes reckoned they “want more videos like this.” While others were more compassionate concerning the travails of London’s pedestrians and quite rightly suggesting, “You’re honking at them for crossing a street that REQUIRES them to walk through the bike lane? C’mon dude.”

And if you think this is a problem, you need to reconsider… Credit: ViralHog
He does, in some respects, have a point though. If you’re a pedestrian blindly walking up the bike lane while reading your phone and you can’t hear what’s going on around you because your music is too loud, then you probably need to figure out a better way of perambulating across town – particularly in a big city.

Airhorn! Just tape it to your bike and enjoy the smug! Credit: ViralHog
Final thought: Is this bloke always justified in his blaring of the air-horn? F**k no. Does he, perhaps inadvertently, raise an interesting point about the way we share space? Maybe. Watch the video, decide for yourself, and let us know what you think of his air-horn in the comments.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: KSI V Logan Paul