Check out these sh*t-hot parenting hacks!

Check out these sh*t-hot parenting hacks!

Depending on who you ask, bloody parenting can be hard yakka. There’s no doubt that it’s a task full of spewing kids, sh*tty nappies, angry tanties, and lots of tears. Still, despite all that, some parents just make the whole thing look incredibly easy. Of course, they couldn’t do that without some life-hacks to help them power on through. Here are some of the best ones we’ve seen online!

Credit: play.hooray

Credit: play.hooray

This is a great place to start. Teaching your little whipper-snapper to put their hand on the petrol cap of the car when they hop out and they’re waiting for you is a f**ken bonza way to make sure they don’t get skittled while you load up the other little tuckers. Providing it’s on the path side of the road, of course.

Credit: anniemccarren

Credit: anniemccarren

We’re a little torn about this one, but we’ve decided to include it anyway. Sure. it’s probably a pissweak idea to teach your kid they’re doing a good thing when they’re ‘annoying’ you, but hey, clean floors!

Credit: wheresprincenelson

Credit: wheresprincenelson

Using the suitcase as a sleeper while you’re on the move could be a f**ken boon in a pinch. Sh*t, if you’re real good at it and you train ’em to sleep well, you could even save on paying for extra seats!

Credit: roswellc

Credit: roswellc

Anyone whose kid has one of these things knows how much damage they can do to skirting boards and doors. Wrapping pool noodles around the outside will put a stop to that!

Credit: boredpanda

Credit: boredpanda

Got to wheel your pram inside? Put shower caps on the wheels. That’ll stop the gum, the dog-sh*t and the ichor of your last murder from getting on the carpet.

Credit: 1ItalianLurker

Credit: 1ItalianLurker

Keeping your little ones surrounded with educational material is the key to developing their brains. This is a simple way to keep the times tables front and centre in their lives.

Credit: The Goonberry Tales

Credit: The Goonberry Tales

This one’s bloody genius. Putting the sandpit inside a tent means you can keep it dry, stop cats from blowing mud in it, and provide shade for the little pricks.

Credit: boredpanda

Credit: boredpanda

This one’s pretty self-explanatory really.

Credit: 1crazyhousetips

Credit: 1crazyhousetips

Freezing a sponge can keep your kid’s lunchbox cold on a hot day. And it doesn’t really matter if it gets lost. Smart.

Credit: ladbabyofficial

Credit: ladbabyofficial

This is pretty good. Sure, you want to teach the little sh*ts that hot = bad and have them learn, but anyone with toddlers knows it’s not always that simple. This takes away a fair degree of the risk inherent in a backyward barbecue.

Final thought: With parenting hacks like these to help you keep the little buggers fed and clothed, all you need to do now is get to it. Tell the missus Ozzy sends his love!

Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Instant Karma