Sheila takes the piss and strings desperate bloke along after he asked her to sendnudes
Us Ozzy’s are known for havin’ a pretty good sense of humour. We love nothing more than hanging s**t on our mates and taking the p**s outta whatever situation presents itself. I reckon this kinda larakin behaviour endears us to the rest of the world and means we can get away with a lot of cheekiness that others can’t manage.
In this story, ya gotta love this sheila’s dedication to the joke… She strings this bloke along for bloody ages, showing her commitment to a good stitch up, and this bloke Michael’s bloody desperation for a titty shot.
Starts simple enough with the classic ‘whaddaya wearin’ sorta request:

Credit: Imgur

Credit: Imgur
Haha, face mask and the one finger salute.
Not deterred, ol’ mate ramps up his level of persistence…

Credit: Imgur
“I’m gonna get what I want.”
Yeah, nah, that doesn’t make you sound like a serial killer at all mate.

Credit: Imgur
Eighteen towels? This sheila has more f**ken towels than a bloody laundromat and this guys balls must be absolutely blue with anticipation.

Credit: Imgur

Credit: Imgur
Michael’s responses get a little snappy now, he’s gotta be aware of how f**ken desperate he sounds now surely!

Credit: Imgur
I’m getting a little embarrassed for Michael now… He’s gotta have a few kangaroos loose in the top paddock to think he’s gettin’ the goods from this sheila.

Credit: Imgur
Under the robe? Another f**ken towel.
Internet comments were all in support of this chick’s unique sense of humour flying in the face of this bloke’s shameless desperation for a nude pic.

Credit: Imgur

Credit: Imgur
Final Thought: After horror stories of nudie pics going viral and ending up in the wrong hands, sheilas have learnt the hard way to keep their clothes on in front of the camera if they’ve got f**ken half a clue! It’s too easy for ex-boyfriends and jilted lovers to do a s**t-ton of damage to a chick’s rep in a matter of minutes…. Funnily enough, now it’s the sheila’s taking screen shots of blokes being knobs and shaming them online. How do you like them apples Michael?
Pictures all from Imgur