Russian arms firm Kalashnikov unveils 13ft walking soldier robot
Bloody Russia! The country that never disappoints when it comes to its internet contributions. And we mean that. Sometimes a country’s internet fodder is a little weak and fails to inspire pants-sh***ing terror in the rest of the world. Fortunately, that charge cannot be levelled at f**ken Russia. Their internet input is f**ken gold. They’ve got bears, crazy drivers, epic street fights, and now, the best thing ever – a Kalashnikov branded robot that walks and, apparently, shoots weapons from its claws.
Rightio, let’s get this out of the way first. The bit about the bloody MechWarrior shooting from its claws could well be bullsh*t as the claims seem unverified so far. Nevertheless, if a suit like this can throw an alien into the vacuum of space, we’re pretty sure it can rip your head straight off too.

Credit: CEN/Kalashnikov.media
On top of that, the Russians have already shown off their new robot tanks, so we know they can easily make their MechWarriors fire anything from Nerf bullets to RPGs if they want to.
The robot, known as Igorek, was presented by Kalashnikov alongside a sh*t-tonne of other utility vehicles and assault rifles. Oh, and we neglected to mention – its f**ken bullet-proof. The only way to stop it now is to loop your skipping rope around its legs and pissbolt!

Credit: CEN/Kalashnikov.media
This thing is a machine. Not only literally but figuratively too. Yeah, it’s a literal machine, but it’s also a metaphorical machine. It weighs four and a half tonnes and can grip objects – and weapons – in its claws. Considering this is Russia, this thing could be going to war with a machine-gun-wielding bear in each bloody hand.
Imagine having one of those things thrown at you! Not fun. Not fun at all!

Credit: CEN/Kalashnikov.media
Final thought: While this thing looks like a pretty bloody impressive machine, you can’t help but wonder if it’s really up to scratch in a war setting. Considering we can send missiles from one side of the world to the other with just the click of a button, this thing has to be designed for more urban use, right? You know, like keeping hostile populations in contested territories under control. Not ominous at all.
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H/T: Daily Mail.