The Internet is shutting down anti-vaxxers one by one
If there’s one thing that makes me happy on the internet, it’s watching anti-vaxxers being smacked down by people who actually know what they’re talking about. In a world where people are free to spill whatever bullsh*t they want onto the internet, it’s bloody important that people with the gift of knowledge stand up for what’s right and disprove dangerous lies and misinformation as soon as they see them. Some of these smackdowns – collected by Bored Panda – take that responsibility and really f**ken drive it home.

“But Muuuuummmm!” Credit: Bored Panda
I’m not gonna spend my time on here, explaining the ins and outs of why you should get vaccinated. Most of these posts do a way better job of that than I can, but let’s be honest, you should get vaccinated – or vaccinate your kids. For me, that’s the one thing that really stands out: most of these bloody anti-vaxxers aren’t making the decision on behalf of themselves, they’re making it for some little f**ker who could end up getting really bloody sick.

Savage! Credit: Bored Panda

Durr. Credit: Bored Panda
Anyway, these posts run the gamut. Some are eloquently phrased slices of knowledge that are unfortunately doomed to fall on deaf ears. Some are savage as f**k. All are well placed and well deserved.

Unleash the kraken! Credit: Bored Panda
As I said above, if you’re going to spread information that could lead to other people becoming seriously ill, or having to deal with unnecessary grief, you need to make sure you have the facts. And that’s really the problem here. The profligation of bullsh*t on the internet actually has the potential to do harm. Some f**kers will believe anything they read. Those f**kers might take the misguided rant of an anti-vaxxer and read it as gospel.

Yeah, the crocodiles will f**ken eat you, dude. Credit: Bored Panda
That’s just not good enough. As I said above, I love that so many people brandish the torch and use it to shine light on the real facts. They see this misguided bullsh*t and they f**ken smite it.

Sing it loud and proud! Credit: Bored Panda
Do yourself a favour and check out more of these right here.

There is nothing better than seeing Pauline Hanson put in her f**ken place. Credit: Bored Panda

Damn, she got owned there.
Final thought: If you aren’t sure about vaccines, do yourself a favour. Talk to a f**ken professional. Don’t just get online and read the first few things that come up in Google. Google results can be manipulated through clever phrasing. On top of that, some people on the internet are just bloody trolls. You’re far better off talking to someone with a real life degree in medicine.
If you’re not sure, you might want to check out this bloody awesome video from Pommy bloke, John Oliver. It’s a bit long, but it’s f**ken worth it.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Wushu
H/T: Bored Panda.