Looking at pictures of people trying to sell mirrors online is spectacular
Rightio, ya legendary b**tards, we’ve got a dilemma for ya. Here at Ozzy Man Reviews Central, we’ve got a garage sale coming up and we want to put a load of photos of the various bits and bobs we’ll be selling online. The only problem is, every time we try to photograph the mirror, we give away our secret identity. It’s a f**ken conundrum. We’ve been trying to get some hints and tips online, but it seems like the whole bloody world has the same bloody problem.

Credit: madison_spencer
Have a gander at some of these great shots. Obviously, the pros are more than likely using photoshop, but when you’ve just gotta whack the f**ken thing up on Gumtree and hope that whoever buys it isn’t gonna try to kill you, you’ve got a dilemma on your hands.

Credit: locheeri0

Credit: ShanissaMCFLY

Credit: Koheijito

Credit: craigslistmirrorselfies
And yeah, for sure, if you don’t give a donkey’s dick about the aesthetics of things you can just f**ken go about it the easy way, snap your shot and upload it. If that’s not you then you don’t have a tonne of options.

Credit: Bored Panda 1

Credit: BeatPutinArmWrestling
One option you definitely do have though is the option to go for comedic effect. A funny costume, a photo-bomb, a hilarious arrangement of the mise-en-scène and you’re bloody set.

Credit: abbyiscoolest

Credit: Bored Panda
But what if you’re truly trying to get as professional a shot as possible? How do you go about it then? Because judging from these shots, the sneaky angle seems pretty f**ked too.

Credit: Bored panda

Credit: gabideg97
Final thought: Once you’ve had a look at these, let us know if you’ve got a better idea. We really need to get rid of these bloody mirrors.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Penguin Excursion
H/T: Bored Panda.