Credit: kompas.com
Mum forced to feed baby 1.5L of coffee per day
Believe it or not, one of the first things you’ll notice when you have a baby isn’t necessarily how cute they are, how wonderful being a parent is or how blessed you are, but just how much advice you get from everyone who seems to think they should tell you just what foods your baby can or can’t eat. Obviously, that’s a load of crap. This is Ozzyland and if you want to ween your little tin lid of the tit and onto the stubbie, you bloody go for it! That’s why we reckon this Mum in Indonesia is a bloody top sheila…
Rightio, ya big bloody bewdiful bogans, we’d love for you to meet fourteen-month-old Hadijah. The thing we love about Hadijah, is her advanced understanding of the importance of coffee. Deadset, if you’re an adult and you have a job, you probably know that coffee is a key component of life and productivity.

Credit: kompas.com
Hadijah is all over it. Thanks to her parents’ dire financial situation, she’s already knocking back a litre and a half every day. That’s a solid effort for an adult, so for a baby, it’s a bloody impressive number. No wonder her parents describe her as super active.

Credit: kompas.com
Some people reckon it’s a bit **t and that you shouldn’t be giving youngsters coffee. To that, Hadijah’s mum, Anita says, “What else can we do? Our income is not enough to buy milk. We’re forced to give her coffee every day. In fact, she can’t sleep if she hadn’t had coffee. She can throw a tantrum asking for coffee before bed.”
Hadijah’s being groomed on an Indonesian coffee called kopi tubruk. It’s made by boiling coarse coffee grounds with sugar, and milk is left out of the concoction. Milk is, for many Indonesian residents, an unaffordable luxury.
Thankfully Hadijah’s not fussed about that. She just wants that caffeine mainlined. If you don’t manage it, you’re gonna be in s**t!

Credit: kompas.com
Final thought: Rightio, we reckon all we need to do here is close off with a simple question: what’s your baby’s vice? Let us know what they chuck a tanty over and we’ll all judge quietly. Thanks!
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Pandas: Part 2