Top Bloke Throws Party With Only Simpsons Foods On The Menu
The Simpsons is more than just a television show, it’s a cultural landmark. It’s more than a show you can quote random lines from, it’s a universal reference point for an entire generation, and it’s more than just another animation. It’s essentially the animation that paved the way for an entire genre of television shows. Amongst its catalogue of couch gags and guest stars, it’s also featured enough dishes to create its own menu.

Credit: Tristin Hopper

Credit: Fox/The Simpsons
Taking notice of the sheer number of dishes, drinks and delicacies, the show has proffered over the years, one superfan, Tristin Hopper, recently hosted a party featuring nothing but Simpsons dishes on the menu.

Credit: Tristin Hopper

Credit: Fox/The Simpsons

Credit: Tristin Hopper

Credit: Fox/The Simpsons
In the past, we’ve been treated to real products based on ones the show has concocted. Duff Beer is just example, but 7-11 has also rocked the show’s famed donuts. Nevertheless, Tristin went for some of the more obscure options the show had to offer.

Credit: Tristin Hopper

Credit: Fox/The Simpsons
There’s some amazing choices in here. And when you think about it, there are probably tonnes of more he could have used. The writers of The Simpsons really have come up with a bunch of great dishes over time.

Credit: Tristin Hopper

Credit: Tristin Hopper

Credit: Tristin Hopper
It would have been amazing to see Ned’s Five Alarm Chilli, Possum Pouch Pie, Engine Block Eggs or a Ten Foot Hoagie, but you’d still have to be stoked with everything on the menu here. So what do ya reckon? Any big ones he missed out on?

Credit: Tristin Hopper

Credit: Fox/The Simpsons
Final thought: I’m a big fan of The Simpsons and any party like this is a winner in my book. Good on ya, Tristin. You’re a top bloke and this was a top idea. Good sh*t!
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Cheese Rolling Contest 2018. Check it out here, ya legends!
H/T: Awkward.