Mum with baby on flight provides goodie bags for 200 passengers
Rightly or wrongly, babies on flights have become something of a public whipping boy in recent years. All too often, we hear about people who’ve acted like d**ks because a nearby baby has been noisy on the plane. The end result is that even people with good babies have reason to feel even more anxious about flying with their progeny. That’s kinda f**ked, to be honest, but one mum countered any possible ill will in awesome fashion. She bought everyone treats…
Okay, so we’ll be completely honest here. Babies on planes are a completely normal thing, but if you’re even slightly pessimistic, the first thought you’ll have when you see one is, ‘oh, s**t.’ That’s just the way it is. Fortunately, most people who fly have the common decency to understand it’s part and parcel of the experience – and with your earphones, it’s hardly a problem.

Credit: Facebook/Dave Corona
Still, the mother of four-month-old Junwoo wasn’t taking any chances. She whipped up two-hundred goodie bags full of sweets and ear-plugs and handed them out to everyone on the plane. She even included a little note from Junwoo.

Credit: Facebook/Dave Corona
“Hello, I’m Junwoo and I’m four months old. Today, I am going to the US with my mom and grandmom to see my aunt. I’m a little bit nervous and scary because it’s my first flight in my life, which means that I may cry or make too much noise. I will try to go quietly, though I can’t make any promises. Please excuse me. So my mom prepared a little goodie bag for you! It has some candies and earplugs. Please use it when it’s too noisy because of me. Enjoy your trip. Thank you.”
As is the way of things, one of the dudes who received one said the baby was a f**ken legend on the flight and didn’t raise a peep.
He posted the following on his Facebook page:
“On a ten-hour flight from Seoul Korea to San Francisco, a mother handed out more than 200 goodie bags filled with candy and ear plugs, in case her four-month-old child cried during the flight. A very touching gesture by the mother but as you know when you have kids expect the unexpected. Not a peep out of the kid.”

Credit: Facebook/Dave Corona
Final thought: Bloody typical. Mum goes to all that trouble and the kid can’t do one little thing to make it worth it. Next time she does it, she ought to fill the little bugger up with sugar and see how she goes. In all seriousness, though, what a f**ken tops gesture. Good on ya, Mum. Just remember, though, people, if the Mum on your flight doesn’t do this and the kid screams its tits off, just whack your earphones in. You’ll be right.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Mega Compilation 9