Some of the most hilarious Amazon Reviews ever written

Credit: Amazon

Some of the most hilarious Amazon Reviews ever written

We all know that even if Amazon isn’t already the greatest superpower the world has ever known, it soon will be. There’s a pretty good chance that if you’re looking for a specific product, they’ve got it. And when you combine that with the fact that customers can leave reviews for products on the site, you’ve got the ultimate online supermarket. Still, that doesn’t stop some funny buggers from leaving some of the funniest reviews you’ve ever seen…

Credit: Amazon

Although, we’re not a hundred per cent sure it actually all started with the three wolves howling at the moon t-shirt reviews, we’re going to say that’s where it all started. And, you know what, even if there were other funny reviews first, we reckon that’s probably the one that popularised the art.

Credit: Amazon

Credit: Amazon

Credit: Amazon

Credit: Amazon

Of course, that original review was posted over ten years ago now. Since then, more and more reviews have been added to that product’s page. Naturally, it’s not the only product that’s benefitted from receiving some bloody funny reviews.

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Credit: Amazon

Credit: Amazon

Credit: Amazon

Credit: Amazon

Whether they’re good or bad, you can’t help but laugh at the ridiculous stories and tongue in cheek nature of more than a few of these.

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Credit: Amazon

Credit: Amazon

Credit: Amazon

Credit: Amazon

Credit: Amazon

Final thought:  While the general rule of the internet is to never read the comments, we really reckon that on Amazon, the reviews are a must-read. You never know when you’re gonna strike gold. Of course, now’s the time for you to share your favourite reviews – or even let us know about the ones you wrote yourself.

Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Destination F**ked Compilation 10