These childhood photos are f**ken mint!
We can’t remember where exactly we heard it, but at some point in the not-too-distant past, we heard an adage that basically said that as you grow up, you’ll always look back on your past self and feel a little bit embarrassed. That is, apparently, what growing up is all about. And we get it. We’ve all got stories of dodgy sh*t we did as kids and some of us have got some pretty incriminating photos about who we used to be when we were a little bit younger than we are now.

Credit: xerurg
Fortunately for us, some of the internet’s most sharing characters have volunteered childhood photos that reveal a range of horrible fashion choices, questionable phases, and interesting wrong turns on their journeys to discover just who they really are. Take the sheila above. This is, apparently, from a protest in the Ukraine in 1968. She might have the excuse that it’s enforced, but it’s still pretty freaky.

Credit: chunky_rolls
Look, I had some pretty questionable Axl Rose moments myself, but none as bad as this. I hope.

Credit: TomPalmer1979
This bloke said he was in the middle of a Vampire phase and had a big thing for Interview With The Vampire.
We couldn’t tell…

Credit: respectthet
All right, that sh*t’s just cruel.

Credit: 17UglyBoobies
If you think that’s bad, you should have seen what he did with his pointy tail.

Credit: Sgt_Pepsi
Okay, I don’t even know what the f**k’s going on here.

Credit: denovosibi
Hahahaha. Someone actually thought this was a good look.

Credit: sheNANAgens
The 80s, man. It’d be interesting to see just how much hairspray bottles affected the ozone layer.

Credit: makemypenisworkagain
Is that Devin Townsend?

Credit: Super_Rosie
Finally, the dodgy as f**k nu-metal phase. This look is for when you can’t decide between Korn and Coal Chamber.
Final thought: While we laugh at these, we all know we’ve got something in our closet that’s a little bit dodgy or that might make us shake our heads and laugh today. Do us a favour and upload a pic of yours to the Facebook comments for this post.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Penguin Excursion
H/T: Bored Panda.