Some of the creepiest moments in Reddit history
G’day ya bloody larrikins. How the f**k are ya? Me, I’m good. I’ve just come out of a DEEP rabbit-warren of Reddit threads and I’m blinking in the sunlight. It’s nice to know you’re all out here because, f**k me dead, those rabbit holes are almost darker figuratively than they are literally. Let me show ya where I started. It’s a little thread that begins with a simple question: What are some of the creepiest moments in Reddit history that people seem to have forgotten?

Credit: Reddit
Right, here’s how this one’s gonna work. I’m gonna give you a little précis and a snap-shot of the memory, as well as a link to the original thread wherever possible. I hope you’ve got plenty of time on your side this evening, because you’re gonna need it…

Credit: Reddit
So, yeah, we’re just gonna say f**k it and jump straight in the deep end here. One of the things that Redditors remember pretty clearly is dudes fishing for tips on how to get away with rape while posing as women trying to track down someone who might be trying to get away with rape. Ladies and gentlemen, rape is never f**ken funny. We’re not even gonna joke about it, but straight up, you can see the lengths some people will go to – and if they think they’re anonymous, then fark.

Credit: Reddit
This one is almost some Hereditary-level shit. Creepy stepmother and all that. Check out the whole shebang here, but the long and short of this f**ked up story is that the Stepmother is more than a little possessive of the child ‘she never had’.

Credit: Reddit
Yeah, the Santa Barbara shooter was active on Reddit before he lost the plot. People on there were worried about him at the time.

Credit: Reddit
Sometimes the world is a dark, dark place. This one started off with a guy seeking relationship help and ended in the murder of his family. It’s dark and it’s tragic and it’s completely f**ked up. Check it out here.

Credit: Reddit
And then there was this barrel of laughs: a guy who’d stabbed his girlfriend over thirty times wanted to explain his side of the story. Long story short, it was all a blur.

Credit: Reddit
And how would you feel if your boyfriend (or girlfriend) had a whole bunch of weird as f**k photos and videos of your sibling on a dusty old computer they ‘don’t use’ anymore? Maybe something like this sheila.

Credit: Reddit
How about this one? You’re kid is just mucking around on their kindle and its picking up voice recordings of you talking in the house. You know, ones you had earlier and that are somehow being broadcast elsewhere from a bug under the mantelpiece. That is some f**ken scary sh*t. And there’s an update.
Final thought: Holy sh*t! If you’re still with us, you’re probably now gonna be feeling a little haunted. And while I guess ‘creepy’ might not be the best word to describe some of these stories, so many of these are ripe for horror films and stories. F**k me sideways.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Ozzy Man
H/T: Reddit.