Credit: Jess and Stephen DeMarco
OnlyFans “Throuple” sleep in the same bed and want children together
Before we go any further, we’re gonna give our usual caveat here: the world takes all sorts, and so long as you’re not hurting anyone, we reckon that’s f**ken grouse. Deadset, we reckon the meaning of life is to be happy and fulfilled. Still, some aspects of life still make us raise our eyebrows. Not in a judgemental way, mind. Yeah, nah, it’s more of a ‘far out, that’s a bit bloody unique’ way, and that’s f**ken mintox. Anyway, let’s get to the story…
All right, so today, we’re checking in with a Jess and Stephen DeMarco. These guys live a pretty alternative lifestyle that sees them occupying a slot as one of the top creators on OnlyFans (in the top 0.1%) and sharing a polyamorous lifestyle.

Credit: Jampress
Previously, they’d been looking to find another sheila to join their relationship. Now that they’ve met Mary Neghedi, they’re ready to make babies. Before talking about that, though, Jess is pretty keen to explain the following:
“We don’t just ‘hook up’ with women without the intent to continue growing with them. The dynamic of our throuple actually has four relationships in one. Mine and Stephen’s relationship, Mary’s and my relationship and his and her relationship – then the relationship we have as a whole.”

Credit: Jampress
With all that love in the house, they reckon the time is right to add to the family. “We’ll be trying to get pregnant soon and the end goal is always to live together as a whole, as one big family,” she reckons.
Of course, as is always the case, they can’t make everyone happy. Stephen’s olds are all for it, but Jess isn’t on speaking terms with hers. Mary hasn’t told her family yet. Apparently, they’re super traditional and has only shared the news with a few close friends.
It’ll be interesting to see how this all unfolds.

Credit: Jampress
Final thought: One of the things we love most about bringing you news from all over the web – whether it’s weird, quirky, uplifting, or awesome – is learning more about the world. Deadset, the joint is full of love and happiness. Let us know what you’re doing to find yours. See you in the comments section!
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Women’s Sport