Matthew McConaughey hosted a bingo session on Zoom for seniors in isolation

Credit: The Enclave at Round Rock Senior Living in Round Rock

Matthew McConaughey hosted a bingo session on Zoom for seniors in isolation

As you know, much of the world is currently confined to lockdown. As a result, more and more of us seem to be becoming au fait with the use of live streaming technology and video-calling software to conquer the isolation that’s present as a result of that. However, while that’s easy for plenty of app-savvy youngsters, spare a thought for the elderly, who might not be as comfortable using it. Thankfully, some people, like the staff at The Enclave at Round Rock Senior Living and Matt McConaughey are helping out…

Yeah, nah, the legendary actor has only gone and called a Bingo game for the residents of the senior living centre. Checking in via Zoom, McConaughey, joined by his wife, his kids, and his mum, got right into the mood.

Deadset, this s**t was classic McConaughey!

Credit: The Enclave at Round Rock Senior Living in Round Rock

Posting about it on Facebook, staff from the centre said, “Thank you to Matthew, his wife Camila, and his mom Kay for hosting our residents for a few rounds of virtual bingo! Our residents had a great time playing, and they loved talking with Matthew about his family heritage and his favourite drink.”

Credit: The Enclave at Round Rock Senior Living in Round Rock

As you can imagine, the residents bloody loved it. You can see footage of the event below, and it’s fun to watch, so imagine your grandma getting to enjoy that s**t.

Credit: The Enclave at Round Rock Senior Living in Round Rock

In the video, you can see McConaughey calling out, “We got a I-24! I-24! Ooooooooohhhh!!!!Richard is waving a hammer up high! We got Charles with the iPad up high! We got two winners!”

Credit: The Enclave at Round Rock Senior Living in Round Rock

After the event, the residents thanked the star of True Detective by holding up green cards with their favourite quotes from his films written on. One of the old buggers said, “”I wanted to say, from all of us, we want to continue to turn a red light into a green light.”

Final thought: Yeah, nah, we need more of this s**t. We’re f**ken lucky as hell to be experiencing all of this in a world that has so much technology. We know the isolation’s real as f**k for many people, but the ways to connect – even virtually – are still there! Do what you can to help out your fellow man, folks. Do what you can!

Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Mountain Goats TAKEOVER

Video Link: Reuters