Credit: The Times/New Line Cinema
Kid tries to bribe the Kiwi Prime Minister into researching dragons and psychics
It’s a fair comment to say that there’s more than a few blokes and blokettes around the world who are happy with the job the Kiwi PM is doing. As a woman in power, Jacinda Ardern has been the epitome of cool, calm and collected while dealing with some f**ken hardcore bulls**t. All that aside, though, she still has to be a woman of the people. That means that when the public demands her attention, she’s really gotta give it due cause. Part of that ‘due cause’ is responding to letters from kids…

Credit: New Line Cinema
Just lately, Ardern has had to deal with a letter from an eleven-year-old whipper-snapper who’s clearly taken all the Lord of the Rings paraphernalia in Kiwiland to heart. The young lass sent her PM a letter requesting that Ardern funds research into dragons and psychics.
On top of that, the kid, who seems to be named Victoria, even offered the PM a bribe. That is a ballsy f**ken move. Nevertheless, Ardern, who’s always a staunch bastion of moral fortitude, refused to take the bribe and wouldn’t be swayed in her resolve. There will be no research into dragons or psychics under her watch.

Credit: The Times
After receiving the letter, Ardern responded with an official reply, even providing little Vicky with a hand-written post-script. “We were very interested to hear your suggestions about psychics and dragons, but unfortunately we are not currently doing any work in either of these areas,” Ardern told her. I am therefore returning your bribe money, and I wish you all the very best in your quest for telekinesis, telepathy and dragons.”
Vicky’s mum, Reddit user Honeybee6992, posted images of the letter to the online forum. Ardern’s hand-written contribution to the letter adds a touch of class to the official response, even if it shows that she knows f**k-all about dragons. It says, “”I’ll still keep an eye out for those dragons. Do they wear suits?”

Credit: honeybee6992
The Kiwi government confirmed the letter was genuine.
Final thought: It might be a bit silly, but credit where it’s due. We doubt our Prime Minister would have bothered with something like this. Still, that’s probably better than having him fire off a misspelled tweet about the psychic dragons about to break down the still non-existent wall!
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Greatest Mating Dance Ever