Credit: Betrothed & Co
‘Influencer’ with 55k followers spectacularly shut down when asking for free wedding photography
Here at Ozzy Man Reviews, we don’t think we’re dropping any new information when we say that when it comes to a sense of entitlement, there probably isn’t anyone who can pull it off better than the ‘influencer’ community. And you know what, we reckon that’s because those guys bloody well deserve to get things for free. If you don’t love everything they do, you need to get with the program and jump on the bandwagon. Frankly, we don’t know what to say when they request free stuff and are shut down like this…

Credit: Betrothed & Co
Look, obviously, we’re just kidding. We do, however, think there’s an area where certain Instagram personalities have enough of a following in specific markets to warrant cleverly placed marketing. You’d be mad not to consider that, and what makes this email exchange so great is that Frankie, the business owner in question, clearly has that in mind when responding…

Credit: Betrothed & Co

Credit: Betrothed & Co

Credit: Betrothed & Co
Essentially, the unnamed ‘influencer’ (and by crikey do we hate that term) is getting married. In an email they’ve sent to a select group of wedding photographers, they use their 55k followers to try and get their wedding shot for free. Oh, and on top of that, they’ve even provided some structures for discounts and the like. We won’t go on about it. You can read it all in there…

Credit: Betrothed & Co
Anyway, Frankie, the fore-mentioned business owner sends back the kind of deliciously worded email that you can’t actually poke holes in despite the fact it seethes with loathing and ‘snark’. As you can imagine, it’s received about as well as you’d expect.

Credit: Betrothed & Co
Naturally, the ‘publicist’ trying to pry the free wedding photography from Frankie’s (and Laura’s) Betrothed & Co business completely lacks the self-awareness to deal appropriately.
Have a gander at how it all unfolds.

Credit: Betrothed & Co
Final thought: Look, we’ll say it again, there’s totally a space for marketing on Instagram. Getting the right products in front of the right people is exactly the name of the game in advertising and that’s valid, but this bloody entitlement we see from pretty much anyone who has the hubris to dub themselves an ‘influencer’ really needs to start thinking that the concept is win-win for a reason. Having said that, if you want to sponsor us with beer, we’re happy to listen.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Belle Delphine