Tourist group instantly learn lesson after forgetting to lock car door on safari
It seems like everywhere you go these days there are bloody safety directions. If you’re like us, you’ve probably looked at some of them and wondered just why the f**k we need some of the blatantly obvious directions and warnings we’re provided. Deadset, are people really that bloody silly that they have to have every little bit of common-sense spelled out to them? Essentially, yes. This video will show you just one of the reasons why…
In it, you’ll see a couple of sheilas on safari. In fairness to ‘em, they’re having a blast. Also, we’d probably say that their mistake isn’t so much stupidity as it is recklessness.

Credit: Joshua Sutherland
And that’s okay. People are f**ken rash all the time.
Now, these girls have lions right outside their car and those lions are just chilling the f**k out as they wait for some of that good tourist meat.
You see, lions aren’t half as stupid as they look. Yeah, nah, they’re pretty bloody bright, and these ones have figured out that the big metal cans that move through the park have delivery food inside.

Credit: Joshua Sutherland
Now, the safety directions you’re provided with might not necessarily prevent lions from eating you, but metaphorically at least, all the dangers in your house and workplace can be lions.
You know, leave your toaster under the curtains and the lions will f**ken eat you. Stick your hand underneath the lawnmower while it’s running and, yet again, f**ken lions. Open flames near gas? You get it, metaphorical lions. And that’s why we have safety instructions.
Those who don’t follow the guidelines will soon be little steaming piles of lion poo. And that’s about right whether your lions are metaphorical or literally about to tear your f**ken head from your shoulders.

Credit: Joshua Sutherland
Getting back on track, these reckless sheilas have only gone and left their doors unlocked for the duration of their safari. The hungry lions, still waiting for them to pass, are like, “You know what: f**ken hakuna ma-f**ken-tata; we might just try the door and see what treats fall out!”
And, er, yeah, you better believe one of the cheeky c**ts got the door open. You might be surprised, but that s**t is fair dinkum easy when you compare it to chasing a gazelle.

Credit: Joshua Sutherland
Final thought: Look, we don’t mean to sound like your parents, but seriously, if s**t comes with safety directions – like, you know, lock your door when you’re driving past lions – bloody well follow ‘em, ya big bloody drongos! Do that and s**t will be all right.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Destination F**ked Compilation 9
Video Link: Joshua Sutherland