Guy turns up to a vegan festival to eat raw veal heart
OK, so it’s no secret vegans cop a bad rap in many, many places. While they’re genuinely trying to do something to help the environment, mates and family can get tired of ’em talking about their veganism round the clock. However, while meat-eaters love to take the high ground, you can’t help but wonder what it would look like if an avid meat-eater harped on about his diet round the clock. Well, it might end up looking like a big bloke munching on raw meat at a vegan festival.
Just so there’s no mistake, by ‘might look like a big bloke munching on raw meat at a vegan festival,’ we mean, it looks exactly like that. Deadset, a big bloke wearing a tank-top brandishing the words Go Vegan And Die while chewing on a raw veal heart.

Yeah, nah, he’s not faking. He’s eating that. Credit: Sv3rige
To be fair, it’s not a good look. This video is long. Like real long, but the Reddit post we found it in reveals a few more ‘truths’ about our carnivorous friend. His name is Sv3rige and he has a wide range of hobbies, interests, and opinions.

Sh*t, he’s even convinced this one to do the same. Credit: Sv3rige
Apparently, Sv3rige is a flat earther whose diet consists mostly of raw meat, unpasteurized butter and milk. On top of that, he eats raw meat and advocates for it, he believes in sun gazing for energy, is a flat earther and – this last one is hardest to believe of all – he reportedly believes cancer keeps you alive and tumours are a result of cholesterol deficiency. Crikey.
Look, you can watch the video and make up your own mind about old mate Sv3rige, but you have to say the idea of munching on raw meat at a vegan festival seems like it might be trolling to the fullest degree. If it’s not, there might be a few deeper things that need interrogation here…

Finally, the boys in blue are here to talk to him. Credit: Sv3rige
Final thought: Like most people, we think it’s OK to give the vegans a good-natured and friendly ribbing, but we do not think this is a smart or respectfl way to address your concerns. In short, we hope like f**k this is bad satire and not someone’s realistic protest. Let us know what you reckon in the Facebook comments.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: British Daredevil
H/T: Reddit.