Sheila caught drinking from secret binocular flask at the races goes viral
Everyone knows we love a beer here at Ozzy Man Reviews. Put simply, we wouldn’t legally be allowed to say we’re Ozzies if we didn’t. With that in mind, we’ll applaud any ingenious, devious, or plain cheeky plan to sneak booze into a festival, sporting event or intervention. That’s why we’re offering a Top Sheila award to the lass who was filmed drinking her bevvie at Cheltenham Races from a secret compartment in her binoculars.
We’ve spoken before about the bloke who snuck vodka into a music festival in the States by burying it onsite a few weeks beforehand, but we’d be lying if we said that’s not too much f**ken work. Like, seriously, good on him, but surely there’s a more half-assed method that’d work a bloody treat.

Credit: ITV Racing
And, er, obviously there is, because we wouldn’t be writing this article if there wasn’t. The chick – whose name we don’t know – was spotted in the crowd at the Cheltenham Races by the ITV cameras in Pommyland.
While everyone else is busy queuing up, overpaying for their drinks and getting piss that’s either too light, too warm, or too f**ken horrible to enjoy, she’s getting up close and personal with whatever her favourite tipple is. And, best of all, she’s doing it from the comfort of her seat and watching the races at the same time.

Credit: ITV Racing
ITV Racing was quick to post a gif of the legendary feat to their Twitter account. Judging by their caption, they’re just as stoked for the girl as we are. That only makes sense, though. The Poms are also pretty well known for enjoying a beer or two-hundred.
Let’s just hope security at major events hasn’t seen the post. We wouldn’t want them wising up to the fact. Especially now that it seems Amazon is selling the binoculars online.

Credit: ITV Racing
Final thought: As we said above, you’ve got to applaud anyone who comes up with a clever new way to get booze into events. Personally, I’m a fan of taking a couple of tinnies into the cinema, but I’ve never tried anything half as clever as this lass. Good on ya, love. This Top Sheila Award is all yours.
10 out of 10 for effort on this! ?? pic.twitter.com/LUq485Ia6Y
— ITV Racing (@itvracing) January 1, 2019
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Mayweather VS Tenshin