Credit: Ocean Teabag
Japanese company has created teabags that come alive in your cup
Tea-drinking seems to have come a long way in the last few years. And, yeah, we know that might be just our impression because we’re judging solely on the hipsters at work who have all sorts of flavours of tea. We don’t care though. Tea-drinking has come a long way in the last few years. We’re sticking with it. So, if you, like them, have forgotten that a proper work-ethic is built on mainlining coffee directly into your veins, you might just enjoy these awesome teabags…

Credit: Ocean Teabag
First of all, don’t get us wrong. We get it. Tea is really bloody good for you. It’s got anti-oxidants and all that other crap the advertisers and doctors go on about, so we don’t blame you for drinking it. It’s an idea we often toy with ourselves. And finally, now that we’ve seen these, we might be able to take the plunge!

Credit: Ocean Teabag

Credit: Ocean Teabag
After all, who wouldn’t want a cleverly designed teabag replicating an ocean creature in their cuppa? Have a bloody squiz. You can get teabags that look like octopuses, squids, penguins, dolphins and heaps more. You just plonk it in and as the slowly agitating water moves around the cup, the teabag moves and makes your octopus look like it’s having a bloody swim!

Credit: Ocean Teabag

Credit: Ocean Teabag
Ocean Teabag, the Japanese company behind the product, has teamed up with an oddity shop and a bookstore to create the teabags, which sell for close to $16 US dollarydoos. These, in proper yuppie fashion, even come in different flavours.

Credit: Ocean Teabag

Credit: Ocean Teabag
The squid, for example, is filled with black Pu’er tea inspired by Squid ink and has had a persimmon flavour added. The octopus tea bag is filled with Keemun tea, and deadset, we don’t have a bloody clue what Keemun or Pu’er tea actually are, but we reckon you hipsters out there will be loving it.

Credit: Ocean Teabag

Credit: Ocean Teabag
Anyway, as we’ve said before, we bloody love some of the Japanese culture we’ve featured on this site before, and although these teabags are pretty overpriced, we reckon they’re a great little novelty.

Credit: Ocean Teabag
Final thought: Obviously, they’ve missed a trick by not having one of the selections come in a scrotum shaped bag, but you can’t have everything in life. You’ll just have to get those teabags the old-fashioned way, ya kinky buggers.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s classic commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Octopus Vs Crab