Flames ‘like a waterfall’ rage 200m up a cliff in Australian bushfires

Credit: @bluemtns_explore

Flames ‘like a waterfall’ rage 200m up a cliff in Australian bushfires

It’s no secret that our dear old Ozzyland is burning right now. In some places, the raging fires are burning like the flames of hell and creating brimstone landscapes that could come straight out of a Dante painting. The whole thing’s completely f**ked. To give you an idea of the extent to which the fires are destroying our landscape, we thought we’d show you this footage that popped up online the other day.

So, yeah, obviously, we all know what a waterfall is, but unless you’re thinking about cascading lava pouring down the side of a volcano, you don’t usually imagine fire taking on the appearance of one.

Unfortunately, when the fires are so f**ken intense, any fuel, debris or combustible material goes up like kindling and the flames can reach anywhere.

You can see that crystal bloody clear in some footage shared by the @bluemtns_explore Instagram page. These legends have been mapping the various bushfires around the Blue Mountains as they destroy all that falls into their path.

Credit: Guardian

The video is captioned with some info about the fireys currently battling the flames: “All fire fighters are currently tackling blazes across the top of the mountain (Mt Vic, Blackheath, Mt Hay, Leura). Keep your notifications switched on for ‘Fires Near Me’ APP and follow the @nswrfs direction. If you get asked to evacuate, do it #priorities #bluemountains.”

Credit: Guardian

As you’ll see in the hellacious footage, the fire’s obviously found a ravine or crevice in the escarpment that’s full of deadfall and timber, and it’s sent tendrils of scorching flame licking up the 200m cliff-face.

Credit: Guardian

Of course, this is just a small part of the greater whole, but it shows you just how immense the flames are. F**ken stay safe out there, Straya. Put out water for the critters and keep alert to the warnings.

Credit: Guardian

Credit: Guardian

Final thought: There’s nothing funny or cute to say here. Support your fireys any way you can. Pay attention to the fires in your area and, most importantly, stay safe.

Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: WTF Happened in 2019

Video Link: @Bluemtns_explore