Company is developing a functioning franga with a hole in it

Credit: Powell Development Group

Company is developing a functioning franga with a hole in it

By all accounts, the one thing you don’t want in your franger is a bloody hole. Yeah, nah, that defeats the entire purpose, right? Well, according to one company, the answer is ‘hold our beer.’ Galactic Cap reckon they’ve got – or at least will have – a functioning device with a hole in it, and it’ll provide a solution that doesn’t limit stimulation like a traditional dinger does. Let’s have a squiz.

All right, so we’ll jump right in and say that it’s admittedly early days for this thing, but they’re experiencing some promising results with their tests, and while it’s not perfect, you’ve gotta give it to ‘em for trying to fix one of the major drawbacks.

Credit: Powell Development Group

In the past, the company’s owners Powell Development Group have said this about their previous models: “The original Galactic Cap is unique because it fits safely and securely on the head of the shaft for more pleasure. The Galactic Cap leaves the coronal ridge and shaft exposed for more skin to skin contact and more sensation. The result? More usage around the world.”

That model’s had some good sales and stats, but now they’re taking things even further. They started by saying, “They put a hole in the Galactic Cap! And contrary to what you’re thinking… that’s wonderful! Actually, the hole’s more of an open space at the bottom of the Galactic Cap which exposes the most sensitive part of the Johnson; the frenulum.”

Credit: Powell Development Group

As you know, plenty of people love to gamble and refuse to use them when it matters, and those people frequently cite the loss of sensation as a major cause. If this works, then they could be about to make the world a better place for millions of people.

While one of their respondents experienced leakage, which is no bloody good, and they haven’t reached the finished product yet, most tests are coming in pretty positive. Apparently, half of test subjects have said the experience was thrilling while another 41 per cent thought it was wonderful.

Credit: Powell Development Group

Final thought: We’re gonna toss this one over to you lot. What do you reckon; is this good or bad? Would you wear one? Let us know in the comments section.

Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Nothing

Video Link: Galactic Cap