Chainsaw Wielding Nun Goes Viral For Hurricane Irma Clean Up Efforts

Chainsaw Wielding Nun Goes Viral For Hurricane Irma Clean Up Efforts

All right, ya wankers, this is probably the greatest thing I’ve ever had reason to write. Nun with a f*****g chainsaw.  That’s right. Chainsaw-wielding-nun. Talk about a dangerous habit!

When I hear those words combine, my mind races with the possibilities.  Is she a badass nun protecting her orphanage from zombies? An excommunicated nutjob with a hankering for chainsaw-based revenge? Sadly, the answer is far more normal than that. She’s a take-no-sh** sister with foliage to cut (and hopefully send back to hell).

Sister Margaret Ann has become a symbol of the clean-up after Hurricane Irma devastated Florida. So no, no zombies and no revenge, but let’s be honest; a chainsaw wielding nun is its own sort of awesome.

Come at me, evil. Credit: Miami-Dade Police

Come at me, evil. Credit: Miami-Dade Police

Back when I was a really young bloke, my school-teacher, Sister Delores, was a nun and she had an accordion.  In a battle to the death between the two of them, Sister Delores might try to soothe Sister Margaret’s savage chainsaw with a jaunty hymn, but ultimately, there’s only so much an accordion can do against a chainsaw.

Back to the story though, Sister Margaret is the principal of Archbishop Coleman F Carroll High School and she leads by example. She told CNN that she tries to communicate one simple message to all of her students: “Do what you can to help.”

Take that ya little b***h branch. Credit: Miami-Dade Police

Take that ya little b***h branch. Credit: Miami-Dade Police

And of course, the chainsaw-wielding-sister practices what she preaches. When she saw a road was blocked by foliage after the hurricane and watched someone try to go off the road around the foliage before spinning in the mud and nearly crashing into a wall, she knew it was time to do what she could. Chainsaw the sh** out of those fallen branches.

She knew the school had chainsaws in a cupboard. Despite the restricting nature of her flowing robes that didn’t stop the goodly old soul from doing her bit to help.

I'll cut your sh** down to size, motherf***** Credit: Miami-Dade Police

I’ll cut your sh** down to size, motherf***** Credit: Miami-Dade Police

F*****g good on ya, Sister Margaret. You’re bloody top sheila, and for that, you’re nominated for a top sheila award.  I’d shout ya a beer, but I don’t think nuns drink.

If I’m wrong, this beer’s for you.