Credit: Bumfluffski
Bloke escapes charging elephant with an epic reverse-drive
Every now and then, bloody elephants crop up on this website, and that’s a good thing. We like elephants. We reckon they’re mad bastards and we’d love to see them in the wild. However, we’ve got a pretty grudging respect for them too. After all, any creature that bloody huge can cause some real damage if it wants to. On top of that, bull elephants are actually pretty renowned for being massive bell-ends. Deadset, just as the people in this video found out, they will destroy you…

Credit: Bumfluffski
So, when this one opens, you’re thrown right into the thick of things. Yeah, nah, this is in media res if we ever saw it. There’s no smooth intro, no casual immersion, it’s just press play and prepare to have a bloody elephant with tusks the size of bloody people running at you.

Credit: Bumfluffski
Before we get to panicking and packing our dacks with a fresh and steaming batch of fear-porridge, have a look at this bewdiful creature. He is a mighty fine specimen of full-grown elephant. Yeah, he’s seething with rage and he’s ready to kill each and every person in that annoying bloody jeep that’s happened to ruin his day, but what a bloody magnificent creature.

Credit: Bumfluffski
With that said, you can commence the khaki-crapping now. Don’t be embarrassed, it’s your body’s natural reaction to fear like this. Of course, with the bloody Stig at the wheel, it’s almost like there’s no need for that. Seriously, just throw your freshly soiled grundies over the side and hold on to the aw-s**t bar, because old mate’s got this under control.

Credit: Bumfluffski
He’s like, “Yeah, nah, this is a natural hazard here. We learn how to deal with this in driving school. Your instructor takes you out to a paddock that’s just chockers with elephants and you have to dodge the pricks while they run at you. It’s actually kinda fun.”

Credit: Bumfluffski
Anyway, as you can see, it’s a wild ride that the passengers won’t soon forget.
Final thought: Just the other day we posted some stuff in defence of Ozzy animals. We’d take every single nasty creature in this country over a rampaging elephant every day of the week. At least a crocodile can’t chase you down the road!
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Soccer Cow
Video Link: The Sun