Credit: Lithuanian Airports
A Lithuanian Airport made a bloody big Christmas Tree entirely of confiscated items
It’s easy to think that everyone knows what you should and shouldn’t take on a plane. It’s pretty much common sense. If it’s designed to stab, maim or kill, it’s a fair bet that you can’t take it on board. For some reason, though, people keep trying. And that’s why Lithuanian Airports have designed a special Christmas tree made out of items confiscated by airport security.
While airport security can seem like a royal pain in the arse, particularly if it’s busy as f**k, it’s something that exists for everyone’s safety. That’s why we’re fans of it.
Airports and planes can turn the best of us into cranky b**tards, so it’s better if no one has weapons. It’s a good rule.

Credit: Lithuanian Airports
When you see some of the s**t Lithuanian Airports has confiscated, you’ll be bloody glad they’re vigilant with this s**t too. And, considering some of the hairier items on there, you can see why they need to raise awareness with a f**ken awesome Christmas tree.
Obviously, airports are pretty f**ken busy at Christmas time, so the staff there wanted to make everyone’s trip as smooth as possible by reminding passengers just which of their items will be confiscated at security.

Credit: Lithuanian Airports
Now, we don’t know about you, but we reckon they’ve made a pretty f**ken good call with the cheese knives. Those things look like they could do some serious damage.
Jokes aside, though, we’re wondering how much of this was taken through with malicious intent. We’re willing to bet that most of this is just a matter of oversight. Lighters are a prime suspect for being left in pockets, and we reckon that plenty of the scissors could have been part of a personal hygiene or stationery kit.

Credit: Lithuanian Airports
Still, it only takes one crazy b**tard with a potato peeler to ruin everyone’s flight. That’s why we reckon you should take Lithuanian Airports’ advice. “If you don’t want your personal, yet prohibited, belonging to land on next year’s Christmas tree – better check out the baggage requirements before you pack for your next flight.”

Credit: Lithuanian Airports
Final thought: This one’s pretty straight-forward, and there’s not too much more to say, but why don’t you let us know what items you’ve had confiscated from your luggage by airport security. We reckon that more than a few of you dodgy buggers would have tried to get something a bit sketchy through.
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