Wife documents husband’s attempts to make the bed after doing it herself for 45 years

Credit: Joanne Sterling

Wife documents husband’s attempts to make the bed after doing it herself for 45 years

Jim Sterling, from Manson, Washington, has always gotten away with a pretty f**ken sweet deal when it comes to making the bed. Until now. Yeah, nah, when the lucky bugger was working, his missus made the bed for him. Now that he’s retired, though, his missus, Joanne, has decided that he can make the bed every day. As you can imagine, he’s a bit out of practice and he’s struggling big-time. That’s why Joanne’s been documenting his failures…

“After 45 years, Jim is in charge of making the bed every morning,” she posted on her Facebook. “I don’t think he knows what to do with the extra pillows.” And, yeah, nah, if the photo is anything to go by, the bloke doesn’t have a clue.

Credit: Joanne Sterling

Credit: Joanne Sterling

After a few days of Jim giving it a good solid crack, Joanne told Bored Panda that, “Jim was put in charge of making the bed because I have always taken care of everything in the house while he was working. Now that we are retired, it’s time for him to pull his own weight around here!”

Credit: Joanne Sterling

Credit: Joanne Sterling

Credit: Joanne Sterling

Credit: Joanne Sterling

And we reckon that’s fair enough. Especially when you consider Joanne let him practice by just getting him to make his own half at first. Once he got the hang of it, she hit him up to make the whole thing. “He did and started playing with the pillow arrangements to make me laugh. I hope it lasts for a while but I don’t know how creative he can get.”

Credit: Joanne Sterling

Credit: Joanne Sterling

Credit: Joanne Sterling

Apparently, though, when Jim first learned of his burgeoning internet fame, he struggled with the pressure. “He learned he was getting some attention online and let the pressure get to him!” Joanne said.

Credit: Joanne Sterling

Credit: Joanne Sterling

Credit: Joanne Sterling

Still, he clearly got over it, because he was back at it the next day.

Credit: Joanne Sterling

Final thought: This is clearly a strong sign of a marriage going well after a f**ktonne of years. And seriously, good on ‘em. Life’s about fun and laughter, and these two clearly share plenty of that. Good s**t, Joanne. Good shit, Jim. These top bloke and sheila awards are all yours.

Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Barbecuing