Fully grown bloke who laid hands on skater kids gets f***en dealt with
Bloody fisticuffs. An old-fashioned fracas. A down and dirty dust-up. You’ve gotta love watching a couple of blokes throw some bloody punches on the internet. Aside from cat memes and Game of Thrones spoilers, it’s not like this vast and interconnected marvel we’ve already grown to love serves any other purpose, so when someone brings back the pixelated biff, we f**ken love it!
And, let’s be honest, we never love it as much as we do when someone who really f**ken deserves it gets his clock cleaned in a great little video for us all to critique. When the video in question involves a grown-ass bloke throwing fists at kids shortly before they brain him, that video gets an automatic ten out of ten – no matter how annoying they are!

Credit: HipHopQuoteable
With all that in mind, have a squiz at this one. We’re not exactly sure how it starts, but there’s one big Terry tough c**t staring down some skaties. There’s a bit of the old f**k you, nah f**k you, yeah nah, f**k you more, before the skatie whose face he really gets into does the most foolish thing ever and makes a ‘punch me’ gesture.

Credit: HipHopQuoteable
Terry obliges. He f**ken skittles that kid. Another dude is all like, “Woah, calm your titties, bro. We’re all friends here.”
But yeah, nah, they’re not friends. Not even a little bit. Old mate f**ken dusts him too. Then he dusts another one before the little fella does his impression of an angry bloody goat and he f**ken charges! He sends Terry to the ground, and you better f**ken believe it when we say there’s no one there to pick him up.

Credit: HipHopQuoteable
There is, though, a pissed-off skatie. He has a skateboard. As you might expect that panel of wood with its metal attachments makes a pretty f**ken good club. To this kid, his skateboard is but a golf club. Terry’s head is – you guessed it – a f**ken cane toad!

Credit: HipHopQuoteable
F**ken crack! As the dude filming says, “That s**t was f**ken gnarly.”
Final thought: Yeah, man, that was bloody full on, but without knowing the context and having only the evidence on hand, you have to say he had it coming. Damn!
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Avengers: Endgame
Video Link: HipHopQuoteable