These lazy Christmas decoration ideas are bloody genius
F**ken Christmas is on its way. People are getting pumped for their work parties, decorations have started to appear in people’s houses, and shopping centres and malls are already running parades and attractions. Of course, all that decorating isn’t for everyone. Some people f**ken love Christmas to bits, others do it out of obligation. If you’re a minimalist or just a plain lazy Ebeneezer Scrooge, these Christmas decorations might be right up your alley!

Credit: MaxRumpus
Let’s start here. You know, we could be fair and say they’ve at least gone to some effort – and it’s definitely more labour intensive than some of the others on here, but it’s just kinda sad. Couldn’t they whack some tinsel on it or something?

Credit: deesmutts88
In fairness to this bloody bogan, you have to say the colours are about right. I’m not so sure about the traffic cone, but perhaps a star on the top of it might add a finishing touch.

Credit: snapshot-snaps
This is what it’s all about. No troubles finding storage for the next year, no dramas with space in the lounge-room, and an easy excuse for parents who don’t buy presents that won’t fit under the tree!

Credit: savage_irony
Now, this is lazy I can get behind. Double-down on the value of your Halloween decorations and get Christmas sorted in one fell swoop!

Credit: Jumbo_Steak
Ah, ironic lazy. It’s like the chaotic neutral of Christmas decorations. I like!

Credit: jigitz
Anyone who’s a Christmas baby knows full well that parents will do whatever they can to avoid doubling up on gifts. This absolutely smacks of that!

Credit: imgur
An oldie but a goodie. And, of course, one that probably had an awful lot to do with a neighborhood grudge-match.

Credit: maaaarisa
Okay, we thought the little tree before was bad, but this is absolutely the work of the Grinch!

Credit: frizzzzle
Speaking of the Grinch, this decoration is bloody genius. Minimal effort and an expertly themed job. Top marks to this one!

Credit: pimack
Ha! Not a bad idea if you want to return the tree right after Christmas.

Credit: 342636_stephy_a
This is my favourite. It reminds me of my Dad’s work at taking down the tree one year. He did pretty much the same thing. He ‘took the tree down’ while we were out. The next year we found the whole thing wrapped and ready to go when we went to set it up. Gotta love it!
Final thought: The old adage suggests it’s the thought that counts. These decorations say bollocks to that. They’re forging a new path that says, “it’s the token gesture that counts. Now f**ken deal with it or piss off. Oh, and merry f**ken Christmas!”
Have a go at this maximum effort Christmas set-up.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Penguin Excursion
H/T: Bored Panda.