Introducing the Japanese game show: “Two Girls One Cockroach”
All right, two things. First of all, you probably know someone who is abso-f**ken-lutely not a fan of cockroaches, and would rather walk on hot bloody coals than be in the same room as one. Secondly, Japan is f**ken crazy. I don’t think that’s new information, and I don’t think you’ll be surprised by it. So why have we brought these two things up together? Well…let us introduce you to a Japanese game known as ‘Two Girls, One Cockroach.’
Yeah, aside from the dodgy as f**k allusion to the dodgy as f**k video Two Girls One Cup, this game is not for the faint-hearted. Yeah, nah, I can straight-up tell you that my misso would react with extreme violence if anyone deigned to put a cockroach near her. We’re talking straight up Katsaridaphobia.
So, how does the game work? Well, it begins with two girls and one cockroach. The cockroach is inserted into a clear tube that looks about two feet long. It’s a guess and that might be inaccurate, but you get the idea. It’s close enough for our purposes. The girls then treat that glass tube like a woodwind instrument and try to blow the f**ken cockie into the other girls open mouth.
Yeah, nah, that’s just batsh*t crazy. Of course, we know that Japan has a history of game shows that veer down the path of lunacy. Sh*t, even The Simpsons have parodied them. “Coming up next, a Canadian couple who say they are deathly afraid of scorpions.”
“Ooh, that stings, eh!”
So, as you can see from the video, this isn’t just a pretty messed up game, it’s a bloody desperate battle. The sheila on the left is playing for f**ken keeps, and she is determined not to have that thing anywhere near her. The other sheila seems to lack the discipline required to be successful.
We’ll let you watch the video to see how it pans out.
Final thought: Japanese game shows really should be more popular on a worldwide scale. If we can’t make that happen, why don’t we rip off some of them? They’ve gotta be better than another season of the bloody Bachelor.
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Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Destination F**ked Compilation
H/T: WTFunvids.