Credit: Aiden McNamara
This bloke mailed vegetables – and other junk – to test the limits of Australia Post
If there’s one thing we really do enjoy, it’s a bit of social research. Now, while most of that tends to be fairly humanist in its scope, every now and then you come across something really bloody good that focuses on the vital infrastructure keeping our fair country running. The video you’ll see at the bottom of this article is all about the limits of Australia Post’s mailing system. Check it out…
According to the creator of this bit of primo journalism, he wanted to suss out just how much Australia Post would let you get away with after finding out about the flexibility of the US Postal Service.

Credit: Aiden McNamara

Credit: Aiden McNamara
“Here in Australia, there are some pretty stringent regulations about what can and can’t be placed in the post, and what kind of official packaging things need to be placed in. But with their thousands of employees, I wondered just how seriously each individual person might take these rules.”

Credit: Aiden McNamara

Credit: Aiden McNamara
With that lofty goal in mind, Aiden McNamara, the man with the big idea set to work. “I sent a loose potato to a friend—and it arrived a few days later,” he reckons. “Over a year later, I was still thinking about it. I wanted to know exactly how far I could push it. So for a final year documentary unit at university, I chose to conduct a series of tests on Australia Post.”

Credit: Aiden McNamara

Credit: Aiden McNamara

Credit: Aiden McNamara
From there, s**t snowballed.

Credit: Aiden McNamara

Credit: Aiden McNamara
We won’t spoil it all for you, but as you can tell from the images, there’s a pretty wide variety of stuff going through the mail here. Of course, we’ve gotta give a nod to the speed-test: a running stopwatch!

Credit: Aiden McNamara

Credit: Aiden McNamara
Of course, like all things fun, it ended with a visit from the cops. McNamara reckons, “you can send your friend a loose pineapple, or a potato, or most types of things just as long as you have the correct amount of stamps. You’ll almost definitely annoy the nice people at Australia Post, who’ll probably put the pineapple or potato or whatever it is inside something else—but you still can. And that’s the kind of world I want to live in. The police did end up coming, but they were chill and said I could keep the footage.”

Credit: Aiden McNamara
Final thought: We guess this one kinda speaks for itself, but it’s pretty handy information. If you really can’t be bothered springing for the box, you can post your next eBay sale straight in the letterbox. Just make sure you whack some stamps on it and you’ll be fine. Of course, if you’ve already got experience with this, we wanna know what you posted. Spill the beans in the Facebook comments.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Borderlands 3
Credit: Aiden McNamara