Credit: I Hate Coriander
There’s a coriander hate-group with 250,000 followers, and they’re pretty passionate about memes…
Coriander’s one of those foods that divides people in a pretty extreme way. Most people who get a serve of coriander in their meal are like, “f**ken sweet! Coriander,” but there’s a faction out there, yes, a faction who don’t just mildly dislike the herb, they actively hate it. If that’s you, you might be interested in their Facebook group. It’s called I Hate Coriander and it’s approaching 250,000 followers.
So, if you’ve ever met anyone who can’t handle their coriander, there’s a pretty good chance that they can thank genetics for their boring taste-buds. Yep, coriander – or cilantro – is one of those foods that your taste-buds might have a predisposition to.

Credit: I Hate Coriander

Credit: I Hate Coriander
Apparently, veggies like broccoli and Brussels sprouts are just as divisive for the same reason. In our case, we reckon the only reason Brussels sprouts is so universally hated is the fact it tastes like boiled farts, but you know, each to their own and all that.

Credit: I Hate Coriander

Credit: I Hate Coriander
Getting back to coriander, a survey conducted by genetic testing company 23andMe quizzed 50,000 people as to whether or not they liked coriander or whether they thought it tasted soapy.
Apparently, it found “a genetic variation called rs72921001 was associated with the trait in a subset of about 25,000 people with European ancestry.” Basically, thirteen per cent of 23andMe customers with European ancestry thought coriander tasted like soap, while twenty-six per cent just didn’t like it.

Credit: I Hate Coriander

Credit: I Hate Coriander
Of course, it’s important not to get carried away with your genetics as an excuse. The report based on the survey stated that, “Although this finding provides evidence that genetic variation in olfactory receptors is involved in cilantro (coriander) taste perception, common genetic variants explain only a very small part of the difference — a half per cent.”

Credit: I Hate Coriander

Credit: I Hate Coriander
So yeah, if you don’t like the s**t, it might just be because you’ve got vanilla taste-buds. That’s no biggie, but you’re missing out on a world of good s**t.

Credit: I Hate Coriander

Credit: I Hate Coriander
Final thought: All of which is well and good. Naturally, though, whether you like coriander or not, you’ve got to admit these are some pretty tasty memes. Have a squiz and let us know in the Facebook comments whether you’re a coriander lover or hater.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Pandas Part 2
H/T: 9GAG.