Some of the funniest memes that mock the “10 year challenge”
There’s been a lot said about the ten year challenge, particularly if you consider that it may well be designed to train facial recognition technology. Still, that hasn’t stopped people from having great fun with it, and, to be fair, it’s been good to reflect on some of your old friend’s changes over time. Still, as good as that is, it’s not as good as some of the memes. Ranging from thought-provoking to just plain silly, people have used this latest online trend to fuel their creative urges…
You’ve really gotta start here, because perhaps the biggest thing that’s changed in the last ten years is that this kind of activity – if real – doesn’t really even bother us. In the past we were kinda scared of it. Now we’re used to it and we’re just like, “Yeah, righto, that seems fair.”

Credit: PicturesFolder
Who else misses their Nokia? Come on, admit it.

Credit: Fair Use
Yeah, all right, but what if they’re showing each other cool as f**k memes?

Credit: Fair Use
Er, yeah, that’s fair dinkum scary as f**k and I’ll never look at Jennifer Aniston the same way again.

Credit: Nicebyuj
It’s been a pretty f**ken horrifying ten years in some aspects. If you’ve been caught up trailing conspiracies theories in the depths of Reddit this may well be you. Probs why it’s better to just embrace the change, folks.

Credit: Fair Use
Er, yeah, nah, this one just hurts.

Credit: Fair Use
This is how you use dark humour.

Credit: loneiffu87
Someone’s clearly been paying for petrol.

Credit: imalanroy
Again, sad but true.

Credit: Fair Use
See, now this is what we mean by some of these memes being thought-provoking and poignant. Put your rubbish in a bin, folks.

Credit: Fair Use
Haha, the story of all those Spider-Man movies might well be the story of the last ten years.

Credit: Pronoy_Wanted
Yeah, it’s nice to see that legend Jason Momoa featuring in memes. What a champ.

Credit: nursingmomsy
Finally, one for the sheilas out there.
Final thought: You’ve got to love just how quickly people can jump on a trend and flip it on its head to create some great humour. What’s been your favourite ten year challenge meme? Whack it in the Facebook comments and give us all a f**ken chuckle.
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