Australian Ferry To Be Officially Named Ferry McFerryface After Public Vote
All right, Wanky McWankfaces, the votes are in! Yes, despite humanity collectively deciding that commitment to a meme is far more important than classical naming conventions in the recent past; Sydney Ferries invited the public to name its new ferry fleet. The results, obviously, were entirely predictable…

Surely calling one ‘Friednship’ is every bit as bad. Credit: Sydney Ferries
I can picture the boardroom conversation now:
On one side of the table are the bigwigs. They have serious hair, horn-rimmed glasses and glasses of scotch on the rocks in front of them. “Well,” says the biggest bigwig. “We’ve been accused of losing touch with the public and we need to do something to rectify that.”
Another bigwig shakes his jowels and says, “Isn’t this why we employed the kid: to keep us…hip?”
The kid looks up from the other end of the table where he’s scrolling through The Chive’s memes of the week on his new iPhone. He straightens his scarf, takes a sip from his hot pumpkin spice latte and says, “Have we considered naming the incoming fleet of ferries with a public vote?”
“My god,” says the token lady bigwig, “It just might work.”
And of course, the public takes the royal piss out of the whole thing. Seriously, the brains behind this must be doing some sort of research. They can’t have been entirely unaware of how this was likely to go, right?
Check this out:
A vote to name the UK’s new research ship in 2016 was where the meme really began. The British bigwigs tallied up the votes with a stiff upper lip as it dawned on them that the clear winner was Boaty McBoatface. The Brits though, they weren’t having it. They called it the Sir David Attenborough instead. Spoilsports.

Boaty McBoatface is almost as classy as the Sir David Attenborough. Credit: Christopher/Getty Images
The Swedes, with all their Vikings and Death Metal voted on their new express train: Trainy McTrainface…

Trainy McTrainface. It comes to burn and pillage your monasteries. Credit: Marco Bottigelli/Getty Images
And even here in Ozzyland, the public decided that a new Melbourne train station should be called Station McStationface. The Ozzyland Government, never to be outdone by their British counterparts said, “No.”

Not Station McStationface. Credit: Nikada/Getty Images
With all that in mind, you’ve got to wonder why the f*** you’d still put these votes forward – unless of course you’re a memelord yourself.
Anyway, let’s hope the Sydney-siders love travelling on Ferry McFerryface. I know I would.
H/T: The Chive.