Credit: TikTok/Esha_Crosby
Customer shuts down Starbucks with huge $52,000 order
There’s something fair dinkum awesome about getting a takeaway coffee. F**k, there’s something fair dinkum awesome about shouting someone a takeaway coffee too. Matter of fact, the only thing that can suck about takeaway coffee is waiting in line while others get their order made. That’s why, after seeing this order, our thoughts and prayers go out to whoever was next in line…
All right, in full honesty, this one’s been floating around the internet for a couple of days now, so you might be aware of the story. Basically, it revolves around an order so big that staff had to make 9,500 drinks at one time.

Credit: TikTok/Esha_Crosby
Obviously, there’s been a bit of reaction from fellow baristas, who have said that if they were working when an order like that came through, they’d have taken their thirty-minute break, but we haven’t seen too many people wondering what it was like for the next bloke in line.
Again, being fully open and revealing that we’re not being disingenuous here, this was an online order, but you can imagine if it was a real-life in-person order, right?

Credit: TikTok/Esha_Crosby
That s**t can be bad enough when you know you’re cutting it fine on the way to work and someone in front of you puts in an order for the entire office. Yeah, nah, those are proper ‘f**k me sideways’ moments, but they dwarf in comparison to this one.
Details about the order were shared to TikTok by one of the Baristas responsible, @esha_crosby. Crosby filmed his reaction and captioned the video by adding, “I’m done, this person needs to be my sugar daddy!”

Credit: TikTok/Esha_Crosby
Apparently, the order was so f**ken huge they had to close the store down to get it done. There’s been a bit of discussion about it, but as we said, no one’s mentioned what it was like being the next person in line.

Credit: TikTok/Esha_Crosby
Final thought: Yeah, nah, this is a brutal order, and we’re sure there’s more story to it, but this is all we’ve got for now. If you know more about it – or have had to deal with anything even remotely similar – jump into the comments section and share your reaction.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: WTF Happened in 2021
Video Link: TikTok