Russia has invented the Booty Slappin’ Championships

Credit: YouTube / Сосо Глонти

Russia has invented the Booty Slappin’ Championships

Did any of you legends see the clips of the Male Slapping Championships? It’s a competition where big Russian and Serbian blokes slap each other in the face until someone calls Uncle… It’s bloody brutal and funny as buggery. Not content with sitting on the sidelines and letting these blokes get all the attention, some Russian sheila’s have come up with their own version. But rather than slapping each other of the face cheeks, they’re slapping each other on the other cheeks. 

The rules are pretty specific and very intricate, so put ya listening ears on so you don’t miss the boat. You slap the other chicks butt cheek and if you knock her off balance, you win. Ya still with me?

Credit: YouTube / Сосо Глонти

This continues back and forth… until…. until, I have no bloody clue. The commentator bloke looks like he’s got the best seat in the house, I have NFI what he’s saying but he looks pretty committed to doing a good job.

Credit: YouTube / Сосо Глонти

It’s not surprising that this event has gained a bit of traction online, for obvious reasons. But we’re not really looking at any sort of Olympic level skill now are we?

Credit: YouTube / Сосо Глонти

One of the winners of this prestigious event is Anastasia Zolotaya. You don’t have to be the brightest crayon in the box to guess she’s a fitness blogger and Instagram influencer. She shares heaps of tips on how she gets her buns of steel.

Final Thought:

At the risk of getting on Putin’s bad side, I’m gonna say it’s not exactly the most riveting “sport.” I’d much rather watch a couple big Serbs slap each other in the chops if I’m being honest. Check out the clip below and tell us what ya reckon in the comments.

H/T: YouTube via ВСЕГО ПОНЕМНОГУ & RT & Instagram via @sportnastya