Photographer removes smart phones to show our strange and lonely existence

Image Credit: Eric Pickersgill Studio

Photographer removes smart phones to show our strange and lonely existence

Everyone knows that we are all spending too much time lookin’ at our bloody phones, you’re doing it now, aren’t ya!? And even though we know we’re all frying our brains with tech, we just can’t bloody help it. With so much awesome content, like Ozzy Man Review clips to keep us entertained, it doesn’t look like we are gonna be slowin’ up anytime soon. 

Artist and Photographer Eric Pickersgill has done a series of pics to show what our lives would look like if the tablets were tossed and our phones were f**ked off. And it’s not beaut.

Look at dear old Dad here, just wanting to have a gas bag, and hoping to Christ that someone doesn’t come across his kinky Tinder profile.

Image Credit: Eric Pickersgill Studio


And this lovin’ couple… She’s trolling Facey, while he’s on a furniture website, ordering the missus her own f**ken chair, seeing as she refuses to use any of the several available options.

Image Credit: Eric Pickersgill Studio

Here’s a couple blokes, settling an argument about the best way to cook snags. Google is the ultimate authority on absolutely everything, and will ensure that this disagreement doesn’t turn into fisty cuffs.

Image Credit: Eric Pickersgill Studio

Pickersgill took the photos of the subjects in their natural habitat, just taking their devices from their hands and asking them to FREEZE while he snapped the sad depiction of a society that doesn’t know to interact anymore. Bloody creepy and a little bit sad I reckon.

Image Credit: Eric Pickersgill Studio

Image Credit: Eric Pickersgill Studio

Image Credit: Eric Pickersgill Studio

Check out these little buggers playing the latest version of f**ken Mincraft or whatever they’re all into these days! Get outside ya bastards! If you haven’t stacked ya BMX and broken a bone, did you even have a childhood?

Image Credit: Eric Pickersgill Studio

Final Thought:

The example that we are setting for our lil sex trophies is a bit concerning isn’t it? Won’t somebody please think of the kids! The way we’re going, the next generation will not have a bloody clue how to have a decent yarn. Lead by example and commit to spending some phone free time with ya loved ones this week.

H/T: Quartz & Eric Pickersgill Studio