Credit: WA Museum/Colin McLay
Newly discovered crab species fashions it’s own hat out of Sea Sponges
One of the things we often talk about when we imagine the undiscovered creatures of the oceans is the potential for horrifying animals. Deadset, we picture big teeth, gangly bits, tentacles, and weird floating lights. Despite that, one recently discovered ocean dweller, is bucking the trend. The Lamarckdromia beagle is as cute as they come, looking something like a cross between Chewbacca and a teddy bear. Have a squiz…
We’re not gonna lie, this thing is a gorgeous little fluffball. And when you consider it wears a hat, that cuteness factor only multiplies. Deadset, as camouflage, this hairy little crustacean chops up a bit of sea-sponge and plonks a hat on its head as a disguise.

Credit: WA Museum/Colin McLay
The Lamarckdromia beagle is a type of sponge crab and was named after Charles Darwin’s ship, which stopped by Albany in Western Australia, where this little bugger lives. Like other sponge crabs, its hairs have little hooks that help them attach the living sponges.

Credit: WA Museum/Colin McLay
The Western Australian Museum’s curator of crustacea and worms, Dr Andrew Hosie, reckons “The crabs trim the sponge to shape, let it grow to shape of their body and use them as a hat or protective blanket to keep them protected from predators such as octopus and fish.”

Credit: WA Museum/Colin McLay
While many species of sponge crabs have hair, Hosie reckons, this one’s furry outfit is ‘ridiculous.’ He says, “All members of this group of crabs are hairy to some extent, but this one is ridiculous. We can’t really give a definitive answer as to why… we suspect it’s to help further camouflage its legs from predators.”
Whatever the reason, this little bugger f**ken rocks it. Yeah, nah, we reckon there are teddy bears, there’s Chewbacca, and then there’s these little c**ts. F**k yes, crab fashion. F**k yes!
Final thought: All right, seeing as we’re talking animal fashion, it’s gotta be said that the hats and the fur make this one dapper-as-f**k ocean critter. What we wanna know is which other creatures of the ocean are flaunting their style. Share your thoughts in the comments section.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Destination Perfect Vol 3