Credit: Roland Rydstrom
Bloke documents how Moose and Calves spent a day in his backyard
If there’s just one thing we can tell you about moose, it’s that they’re f**ken huge. And by huge, we mean, really f**ken huge. Deadset, these b**tards are bloody giants. Despite that, though, they’re still good parents and they like to spend a bit of time kicking back with their little cherubs. For Alaskan bloke, Roland Rydstrom, that meant his yard was commandeered by a mother moose and her calves the other day. Have a squiz…
Yeah, nah, coming from the land down under, we’re not terribly familiar with moose, but even we know that having a family of them chilling the f**k out in your backyard is a real treat.

Credit: Roland Rydstrom
Still, we’re not gonna steal Roland’s story. He’s got you covered! After snapping a tonne of photos of the bewdiful creatures, he took to Facebook. “The view outside my Covid home office is better than yours today,” he says. And he’s bloody right! “They arrived a bit before 9 am and except for two quick trips around the neighbourhood, they’ve been camped out here all day.”

Credit: Roland Rydstrom

Credit: Roland Rydstrom
With that said, s**t went viral pretty quickly, forcing Roland to come back and share his gratitude that everyone had loved the pics so much!

Credit: Roland Rydstrom

Credit: Roland Rydstrom
“Thanks to all who’ve shared these moose pictures,” he said. “When I posted these Tuesday, I didn’t expect them to get shared throughout the world, except from my own friends. But people love moose, so…

Credit: Roland Rydstrom

Credit: Roland Rydstrom

Credit: Roland Rydstrom
As the question keeps coming up in comments in the shared posts, I just thought I’d cut to the chase and answer it here: These pictures were taken in our backyard in Anchorage, Alaska. It’s very, very common to see moose in our backyard as it is on the normal “loop” for the moose who hang out in our neighbourhood.”

Credit: Roland Rydstrom

Credit: Roland Rydstrom

Credit: Roland Rydstrom
He later said the calves were twins, born only twelve days before the photos were taken.

Credit: Roland Rydstrom

Credit: Roland Rydstrom
Final thought: Yeah, nah, this is pretty f**ken amazing. Don’t get us wrong, we get wildlife in our yard, it’s just that happens to be birds and s**t. You know, ants, skinks, f**ken earthworms; the odd sparrow. Nothing as cool as this. Anyway, let us know what critters call your backyard home in the Facey comments.
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Humans being nice