J Lo is f*cken ripped and kickin’ back at 49 years of age
Good old Jennifer Lopez, the woman we all know as Jenny From The Block, was a big deal in the early 2000s. She was one of the most famous singers in the world, she starred in movies, and she was totally from the block. She’s opted for a lower profile these days, but Instagram photos from her birthday party show that Jenny From the Block is looking f**ken staunch.
Living a life of fame and fortune lets you enjoy the finer things for your 49th birthday, like a trip to the Bahamas with your family. It’s a great excuse to just kick back, sink a few bevvies and soak up the sun.
That is exactly what J-Lo has been doing. She celebrated her 49th birthday with her boyfriend, Alex Rodriquez, and their friends and family. While there, she did what most people do and took some happy snaps.
If they’re anything to go by, Jenny’s time out of the spotlight looks like it might well have been served in the gym. She is looking staunch. She is ripped – and bloody smokin’. Her Instagram fans are loving her physique.
“You look amazing!” says one fan. Another says her body is “insane.”
These latest photos come shortly after Lopez posted other photos on Instagram showing off the results of – in her words – ditching cigarettes and booze, getting eight hours sleep a night, and using the Tracy Anderson Method. Whatever that is.
In another Instagram post, which features her posing in a gym, one commenter says, “I have never looked this good in a gym.”
Final thought: So there you have it. You can be in peak physical condition even at the ripe old age of 49. You just have to give up everything fun, portion control your meals, and have loads and loads of spare time. Piece of piss then.
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